Until presently, a preponderance of the information concerning the way of negotiating deals, making judgements as well as making resolute judgements in tackling disputes emerged from the U.S. analysts reviewing U.S. negotiators discussing with other negotiators to the U.S. The proof is devastating that U.S. negotiators have to part with money when negotiating deals, heighten disputes to the level where expenditure outweigh benefits, make suboptimal judgements in teams as well as permit their sentiments to interfere with consequences. It is imperative to discern between two overriding categories of deal creation and negotiations. These categories are distributive and integrative.

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Negotiation and intra-team communication are the principal elements in any organization. This is because they both aid towards conflict resolution. In a multicultural scenario, the given team must make decisions that affect a considerable number of communities. Multicultural teams are products of globalization that introduces a new challenge and complexity of management. The concept of teams is a critical tool that helps organizations accomplish complex and huge tasks. Teams possess the stimuli for creativity that produces unique products and accomplish decisions that stimulate corporate growth (Brett 175).

Teams only achieve prosperity when the top management engages members in meaningful debates. When organizations tolerate open-mindedness, there is a huge capacity for creativity. It is crucial to highlight that teams are not wholly effective at conflict resolutions and decision making. This is because they negotiate agreements in which members have varied views. In as much as the conflicts are necessary, they introduce complications such as emotional outbursts (Matz 89).

A multi-cultural scenario demands a management that places several factors into consideration during decision-making. A team is proficient at accomplishing complex and huge tasks. However, there is the high likelihood for varied views that stall resolutions. In intra-team miscommunication, the inability to strike a compromise leads to long negotiations that do not produce meaningful resolutions.

  • Brett, Jeanne. Negotiating globally how to negotiate deals, resolve disputes, and make decisions across cultural boundaries. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley, 2007. Print.
  • Matz, David. Intra team miscommunication: the negotiator’s fieldbook. New York, NY: American Bar Association, 2006. Print.