Management would prefer collective bargaining in a situation where singular agreements may have a ripple effect on the rest of employment terms. Such ripple effect may include triggering of a cycle of negotiations focusing on single aspects of the employment contract. In an effort to mitigate the occurrence of such eventualities, management may opt to consider a collective bargain.

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The union may consider collective bargain as a tool for implementing a wholesome negotiation of the terms of employment extended to its members. In most cases, the quest to make requests that are considered huge in relation to their concept and demands to the employer are considered the common triggers of collective bargaining by the respective unions.

The consideration of collective bargains by both the union and the management may be considered when there is a standstill in the appreciation of the requests registered in a mass action. In cases of a stagnating mass action, both the management and the union may consider participating in a collective bargain as an option for managing the current crisis as well as averting the future events (Jimeno, and Thomas, 2013).

Research and implementation
All bargaining settlements are required to be registered with the labor department following their development. Therefore, the quest to achieve recent bargaining settlements may be established from the respective labor offices. The same may be suggested of the wage rates for certain professions. The labor department facilitates the tracking of the wage details of the respective professions. Determining both the healthcare cost and bargaining trends may be established from external research from online resources focusing on the different regions, and developed by independent organizations. The same may be suggested for trends n pension benefits (Berri., 2012).

Evidence to bad faith bargaining
Bad faith bargaining is characterized by different features, including the deployment of delay tactics, uninformed scheduling of meetings and the registering of unrealistic demands. Others include the engagement of direct dealing or the subsequent failure to designate agents to lead the bargain. In some cases, there might exist the introduction of impromptu changes on the demands as well as the withdrawal of the registered agreements altogether. Conditions such as the failure to participate in agreement signing, or engagement in threats and declining to offer key information may, also, be categorized under the factors characterizing bad faith bargaining (S.E.I.U., 2013).

  • Berri, D.J., 2012. Did the players give up money to make the NBA better? Exploring the 2011 collective bargaining agreement in the National Basketball Association. International Journal of Sport Finance, 7(2), p.158.
  • Jimeno, J.F. and Thomas, C., 2013. Collective bargaining, firm heterogeneity and unemployment. European Economic Review, 59, pp.63-79.
  • Local, S.E.I.U., 2013. Collective Bargaining Agreement. Bulletin Board, 5, p.12.