The nature and history of Business Ethics is viewed in different dimensions especially in terms of ethical view which has normative as well as descriptive in nature, being a corporal norm or a career, this field is entirely normative. The world of academics is on the run trying to understand the whole business idea which employs descriptive techniques, quantity and range of business ethics which seem to reflect the present interaction of both profit maximization behavior and non-economic concerns. Many got interested in business ethical conduct in early 1980s and 1990s.

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This was both within the academic arena and major corporations. For instance, nowadays major corporations tend to promote their commitment to activities that are non-economic value based like social responsibility, as well as ethical codes, this elevates their brands and strategies to have a particular place in the global market. The relationships that exist between ethics and profit, public good, private gain and the conflicts that arise as a result of capitalism due to businessmen intentions is a clear indication of the outcome nature of capitalism. The modern discussion that focuses on the business ethics comprises a constant moral dialog within the secular and religious circle.

According to moral theory certain behaviors are expected for different people depending on the activities they engage themselves in, as businessmen peruse profits, the society should at the same time also benefit, but if this is contrary then common good takes over for the better good of the whole society. The notion of individualism is overthrown by the right of the public by all means. While most of the modern approaches focusing on business ethics tend to account for only moral obligations with the keen interest in unitary theory, the moral obligation regardless of the business activity seem to be different in object although not in kind compared to other moral obligations (Brenkert & Beauchamp, 2010).).

The world of advertisement is growing each day, and now the advertisers have come up with proper techniques of making advertisements capture the audience by creating a mental image of their products to the buyer. In order to have more effective advertisement, words are not only enough to communicate ideas and feelings, but there is need to use visuals too they tend to be more effective. Researchers have found out that images or pictures in the form of print Ad captures attention twice more compared to the headlines if read. Some of these visual communications comprise color, symbols, photographs, drawings, etc. In the field of psychology, when mental imagery is created (of course not limited to visual imagery) there must be a history behind it. The development of mental imagery dates back to behavioral learning theory in early 40s, 50s as well as 60s. Therefore, advertisers are busy creating more effective ways of advertisement through mental imagery or visual imagery, this explains the power of pictures or brand image that most advertisers are using. However, a specific recommendation that is expected from the advertisers regarding the ways in which the model of advertising stimuli presumably creates imagery is lacking in the process.

Non-verbal communication can be explained as in when individual communicate in absence of words in use. Researcher says about 93% of human beings communications can be termed as non-verbal, for this reason, is very imperative that these skills should be embraced since our bodies radiate volumes of signals. In both our professional lives as well as private lives we influence through persuasiveness without using words that still is, an important component of business (John Rossiter, 1982)). The art of self-persuasion act a a source where self change originates from, adopting a single idea as your own and in due time the same idea influences your thoughts together with you imaginations can influence an individual to imaginable depths. Individual can virtually be unstoppable if this influence happens. Therefore, in conclusion, social exchange theory now steps in. The benefits of persuasions must out way the disadvantages in order to be acceptable.

  • Brenkert, G. G., & Beauchamp, T. L. (2010). The Oxford handbook of business ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • John R. Rossiter (1982) ,”Visual Imagery: Applications to Advertising”, in NA – Advances in Consumer Research Volume 09, eds. Andrew Mitchell, Ann Abor, MI : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 101-106.