Learning is key in the lives of children, and it is important that each of them is provided with a conducive environment for learning (Berns, 2012). There are many aspects that influence children’s learning abilities, some of which cannot be controlled by human beings. However, others are concerned with the family and community. In this view, it is necessary to develop a philosophical perspective on family and community engagement. Thus, below is what will be included in my philosophical approach when developing a philosophical perspective regarding the effects of family and community engagement.
Concerning family engagement
According to Adams and Baronberg (2014), the family provides the first learning environment and significantly influences child’s learning in its entire life. Thus, it is expected to:
Develop positive thinking in a child toward learning.
Provide the learning materials that are necessary for learning to take place.
Make sure that there is a strong relationship between the child and the family members so that they can identify any weaknesses in the child.
Impart positive social skills in children
Engaging in guiding and counseling of their children.
Community engagement
Different communities have varying cultures that can directly or indirectly affect a child’s learning abilities (Berns, 2012). Additionally, community resources are used to promote learning of a child. In this context,
There should be a collaboration between schools and community to strengthen the learning institutions and the learning of the students.
Offer their resources to schools for the children to use them.
Communities should promote peaceful coexistence between themselves and schools.
Schools should support community-based developmental activities that prepare young children for learning, enhancing their achievements.
Therefore, it is essential to note that respectful engagement of families and communities helps children to achieve their learning goals. This is in addition to inclusive relationships in schools, families, and communities. Significantly, the schools should ensure that they develop relationships of mutual trust with families they serve and respect the dignity of each of them (Berns, 2012).
Adams, S, K., & Baronberg, J., (2014). The importance of family involvement. Retrieved from http://www.education.com/reference/article/importance-family-involvement/
Berns, R. (2012). Child, family, school, community: Socialization and support. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.