‘The Wonder Land’ store will sell designer shoes for upper-average income customers in Edmonton, Canada. Edmonton’s facility will be the first store to sell men’s, women’s and children’s footwear from lead world’s designers.
Primarily, the management will develop business links and communications with the representatives of designer brands willing to expand their trade internationally. We will cover North America, Europe and Asia to select the acknowledged brand items into our location. This endeavor assumes a great deal of marketing research to spot the brands that are expanding internationally through franchises. We can offer contracts as potential franchise or separate store ready to take their items at 15-20% benefit rate.
We will serve upper-average income customers capable of purchasing designer shoes and other footwear items. In our area, there is no such store so far, and so we are going to penetrate domestic market with finest seasonal offers. We will apply a discount system for returning customers and will promote ‘clicks’ strategy by promoting and selling brand items online. Thus, the physical shop will also have online representation.
After the penetration of th domestic market in Edmonton, we will expand throughout Canada and the United States and then will challenge international markets. We will take three years as an initial period for the domestic penetration. We will use franchising as a source of our further expansion.
Our target market is an average mid-class family holding extra income to spend on affordable goods, gadgets, clothes, and other goods that go beyond the items of first necessity. We will target our core audiences through aggressive promotion of available branded items and loyalty proposals. This is our strategic vision of creating a one-spot location where customers can purchase or order particular models of shoes.
Our pricing policy will much depend on seasonality and fashion trends both global and local. On average, the price will start up from $500 per pair of shoes. We will try to be flexible as far as possible with generating demand for such stylish items.
One of our competitive advantages will consist in boosting customer awareness about the branded product, its history, design, production, and international sales. This means we will support each single pair of shoes with a legend. Consequently, our shoppers will not only wear fashionable designer’s shoes but also know about them. They can further re-tell these stories to their friends and colleagues and bring us more customers. In addition, we will arrange creative promotion during holiday sales periods (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) to make our target buyers associate footwear with these sacral events in the American history.
Our primary setting will be a large showcase window inviting potential purchasers on one of Edmonton’s busy streets. Designer shoes plus discounts and creative ads will ensure positive impressions and subconsciously affect our potential clients. The same will go online on our website and Facebook page, where we will accompany our items with meaningful context, historical quizzes about shoemaking, and recent statistics about shoe-selling business. We will create a powerful community uniting common people and celebrities, pop stars and famous people from various lifestyles. This will add up to creating powerful brand equity of our store and boost our sales. This way, e-commerce channels will initially promote our shop internationally and create sound conditions for further expansion onto global markets.