The world has grown from an expansive tract of land and water to a global village. Many of the activities humans perform have also changed from tedious processes to an easier form of accomplishment with the technological improvement. Technological improvements have changed the modern standards of film development, making it...
One Night with the King is a film based on the novel by Tommy Tenney, Hadassah: One Night with the King. The film is set in Susa, Persia, which is now present day Iran and was produced in 2006. Filmed in the city of Rajasthan, India, the movie follows the...
All that we perceive is a constructed representation of reality. This representation is comprised of stereotypes, prior experience, and any and all pieces of information that we may have heard or inferred about that reality. One of the most common things that help to shape this representation is the media....
The documentary, produced by Orlando de Guzman and Katina Parker “Ferguson: A Report from Occupied Territory” refers to an extensive and a rather unconventional response towards a fatal shooting, carried out by a police officer Darren Wilson. Michael Brown, an individual with a black skin colour who got shot on...
The film is based on a disadvantaged girl by the name Grandin. At an early age, she is diagnosed with autism. She is very fortunate to have parents who are financially stable. For that reason, she has a specialist who has been hired by her mum to prevent her from...
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