Full Metal Jacket is a movie following the story of a group of young men in their training journey to become soldiers in the Vietnam War under the supervision of the hostile and cold General Hartman. Despite the film being set in Vietnam, the main purpose of the movie is...
What are the consequences of ecological catastrophe and the obliteration of an ecosystem upon which the human is dependent for his very survival? When the human being is responsible for this dystopia, the deep irony of this situation presents itself, and this is precisely the focus of the cult classic...
1) The film “The Quiet American” has its immediate context in the war between communist Vietnamese forces and French colonial rulers. It is set in 1952 and therefore takes place in the final years of the conflict war, which is usually understood to have begun in 1946. Importantly, the film...
At the time that the film was set, the French had withdrawn from the Indochina colonies in 1954, paving the way for the entry of the Americans. During the Second World War, Ho Chi Minh organised the Vietnamese resistance to the occupation of the Japanese in Vietnam. In 1945, Vietnam...
As I was watching The Timeless of the Hero’s Journey, one of the speakers Robert Sharma said that all greatest works of literature and philosophy have what Joseph Campbell called “a hero’s journey.” It reminded me of the philosophical work I had read some time before. It was Voltaire’s Candide....
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