The Trump Organization is a large organization which has been in business for many years and has thousands of employees. Motivation and performance management are areas The Trump Organization deals with on many levels, across many business types, and many geographical regions. The Trump Organization has many options for advancement throughout the organization, but the employee’s performance is central to the whether the employee is approved for the advancement or not. Performance based results is how The Trump Organization measures their staff and everyone in the organization is expected to perform to the best of their abilities. The emphasis for employees within the organization is to preform and produce successful results.

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Loyalty and quality are strong values emphasized within The Trump Organization. The organization highly values loyal employees and expects the employees to perform their job duties with allegiance & duty to the organization. Employees who work for The Trump Organization understand the pressures to preform are present throughout the organization and no one is exempt. As one full-time employee stated about The Trump Organization, “Keep up the great work guys. I would not change anything. You guys are so tough. Very very tough to be exact.” (Glass Door, 2015). The Trump Organization employees see job satisfaction and organizational commitment as inter-related. Loyalty is a company value and loyal employees advance leading to higher job satisfaction.

Organizational commitment is strongly related to performance in The Trump Organization. Without loyalty to the company, the employee will not excel in The Trump Organization. On his reality show The Apprentice, Donald Trump showed his perspective on loyalty during one of the episodes. On the episode one of the women applicants was fired for being disloyal to her team and divulging information to the other team (CBS News, 2010). Mr. Trump did not approve of her disloyalty toward her team. As seen on his show, this same attitude towards loyalty is reflected in The Trump Organization. Disloyalty is not tolerated in The Trump Organization.

In business and The Trump Organization motivational theories can lend a hand to helping impact employees’ work behavior and performance. Several motivational theories and strategies are available to help managers motivate employees including: ethical theories, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, identification strategies, and communication strategies (Gillikin, 2016). The Trump Organization uses the ethical theory in relation to organizational loyalty to motivate their employees. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs also has relevance to The Trump Organization as the motivation for advancement is achieved through a person’s ability to perform well or self-actualize. Motivational theories and strategies in the workforce are impactful to employees and help create an atmosphere for motivation to increase.

There are issues which can affect organizational behavior. Some of the issues affecting organizational behavior include: the degree of interpersonal skills used within the organization, variances within ethical theories, and criticism of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Gillikin, 2016). The interpersonal skills in an organization can vary depending on the manager or supervisor and if the skills conflict with staff, this can cause and issue with organizational behavior and motivation. Ethical theories can vary greatly from region to region, or organization to organization. And Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has received criticism due to the intuitive nature of a person’s needs.

In conclusion, The Trump Organization uses ethical theories of loyalty and self-actualization to motivate their employees. Other motivational theories such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, identification strategies and communication strategies are commonly used in businesses to motivate employees.