The Wall Street (1987) is a widely-acclaimed American film that tells the story of Bud Fox, a young and ambitious stockbroker who is eager to succeed in 1980's New York. Striving to reach the career top, Bud Fox gets involved with Gordon Gekko, one of the most successful stock speculators...
Based on a true story, this movie starts in 1951 in Manchester, England at the headquarters of the MI6, the British secret service as they are receiving the message that Professor Alan Turing has been robbed. After the mathematician professor insults the police out of his house, the scene shifts...
“The Social Network” is a film concerned with the nature of business, together with the manner in which the demands of business may be seen to relate to, and occasionally to challenge or damage, interpersonal relationships. A significant amount of the film’s emotional tension derives from the apparent betrayal of...
Bordertown is an American drama film that was released in 1935 and 2006 consequently.Archie Mayo directs Bordertown 1935, and the starring was Bette Davis and Paul Muni. The screenplay of the movie by Wallace Smith and Laird Doyle is based on the adaptation of the novel Border Town written by...
Charlie Wilson’s War is a drama grounded on a Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's clandestine dealings in Afghanistan, where his determinations to aid rebels in their combat with the Soviets have some startling and long-reaching outcomes. In this film, there are several morals or messages that are either conservative, or if...
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