Using Statistical Software for Social Scientist (SPSS) the data that was collected was analyzed. After being coded the SPSS was able to find values such as frequency, percentage, valid percentage and cumulative percentage. Questions that were not answered in the survey were treated as though the values were missing and left blank. In order to obtain the frequencies (distribution) of data, descriptive analysis was used.
In addition, data was analyzed using the Reporting feature of Qualtrics. The twenty-five questions that were relayed to the participants were gathered in one location and put against each other for viewing. There were different kinds of questions in this study. The reporting feature was able to calculate and analyze the data based on the type of question that was asked of the participant. For multiple choice questions, the data was arranged by how many participants chose each answer, and the data was relayed as a percentage. In addition, for these questions, the minimum and maximum value, mean value, variance measurement, standard deviation, and the number of total responses is calculated and shown. For questions that are open-ended, the exact answers that were given by the participants were displayed together, so they could be compared side by side.

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There was eleven people that responded to the survey of twenty-five questions. Most of the participants of the study were female (9 out of 11) and their age ranged from no less than 18 and no older than 55 (participants were not asked their exact ages, but were asked to choose from age ranges). Seven of the eleven participants identified themselves as students and eight of the total participants identified as being currently employed at least part time.

Over half (six) of the participants of the study identified as either in a long term relationship or married. Four participants stated they were single, and one participant informed us that they are divorced. No one chose the other options available including “widowed”, “it’s complicated” or “other”. Almost half (five) of the respondents stated that they make less than thirty thousand dollars per year, and the same amount of respondents let the researchers know that they make between thirty-one thousand and sixty thousand dollars per year. One respondent stated that they make in between sixty-one and ninety thousand dollars annually. Most of the study’s participants had graduated college (nine of eleven), but one had gotten so far as to only completing high school, and another completed a two-year program at a college awarding associate degrees. After the first six questions in the twenty-five question survey, many of the participants were either not given the opportunity to answer the rest of the questions in the survey, or personally chose not to.

Out of the eleven respondents who were asked if they ever had experience domestic abuse, four of the respondents said that they had. Of the four who stated that this happened to them, three of them said that it happened (almost) every day. All four of these individuals stated they endured physical abuse. Some also indicated that they also endured sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse as well. Only 1 person claimed they reported the abuse. The person who reported the abuse did state that the issues were addressed to their satisfaction although it was a very emotional time for them. No one who was asked whether they either met a male domestic abuse victim or whether it was helpful in their healing process responded affirmatively. Four people answered the question, “what do you believe are the reasons why society has increasing cases of male-based domestic violence?” and they all gave different answers. The respondents said, “everyone is vulnerable”, “media”, “women don’t think they will get in trouble”, and “laws”. Over half of the respondents who were asked “do you think that society provides sufficient support systems and/or mechanisms for fighting male domestic violence?” answered with no. One person added to his answer that this is because the system is too regulated to understand the human element of abuse.

When asked if females and male domestic violence perpetrators should be punished in the same way, half of the respondents said that they should. 41.7% strongly agreed to this statement and 8.3% said they agreed. When asked if they believed that financial status had an impact on the domestic violence against men, there was no significance found. Only 8.3% of the respondents said that financial constraints may catalyze problems within a family, but many of the respondents did not answer the question at all for reasons that are unknown. The responses suggest that a little more than half (53.3%) accept the research that suggests most male victims suffer silently in domestic violence. The most significance statistic is the statistic of male victims suffering in silence: 0.813. This is the amount of contribution on men being domestic violence victims. According to the same research financial constraints have a 0.82 significant to the regression of the male domestic violence.

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