Strict adherence to policies in childcare facility is important. Certain procedures help healthcare providers understand the law regarding administering medication in early childhood settings.
Policy that requires the use of parents’ consent form for each of the OTC and prescription medication to be administered to children.
The consent form includes the name, medication, date, dose, method of administration, and period of consent.
The period the consent form was written should be valid and not exceed the time approved for the drug. The expiry date of the medicine should not be more than one year.
The use of prescription form by health professionals is important for each OTC medication or prescription administered in children healthcare.
Recording the circumstances under which a child is given medication is crucial.
Understand circumstances, which the childcare facility uses to administer medication.
The policy stipulates no authorization of parents amounting to zero medication. The policy prohibits the administration of OTC cold and cough mediation.
Process of accommodating pills for guardians or parents comprises of confirming the consent outline, medication matches, and accepting prescription medications.
Accept the authorization of OTC drugs from children health professionals only if the form indicates the purpose and time intervals of the drugs.
Proper storage and handling of children medication is important.
The policy states that children should not access emergency medication and highlights that medication require refrigeration and correct disposal for the expired drugs.
Proper procedure should be followed while administering drugs to children.
Some of these procedures include documenting and reporting the unpleasant effects of mediation and coverage of medical errors. The policy stipulates holding onto six rights of secure medicine administration.
Several procedures should be followed while returning medication to a family.
These procedures include accurate documentation of controlled drugs that are given to a particular family and the amount of the substance consumed. Additionally, disposing unused medication is also important.
Lastly, the policy of disposing medications that cannot be returned to guardians and parents after a child is discharged is crucial. The regulation states that all medication that cannot be returned to the family should be disposed by health professionals.