The media is known as the mouthpiece of society in that it is used to communicate the latest trends, headlines, and notices from various sources of information to the public. There are many stereotypes that are attached to the media with respect to the way in which it influences society vice versa (Wolska 1). One of the stereotypes that are portrayed by the media is typecasting roles, anchors, and characters in movies and news reporting. The paper focuses on providing an argument on a selected stereotype in the media. The paper will look into the role of gender stereotypes in the media and the role of society in enhancing these stereotypes (Help me Dot Com 1).

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Ideally, the media is a representation of the society at hand. As such, the people selected to play a role, report stories or direct documentaries should represent the activities, functions, and events experienced in an actual setting. In most cases, the media is used to relay information of a particular society. For example, movies and series are used to showcase various settings such as family settings, hospital settings, and situations involving legal issues. Indeed, most of the masculine roles in these situations are reserved for men as opposed to women. Therefore women are not represented they way they should be (Wolska 1).

From a personal point of view, women are selected to play nurturing, subservient, and supportive roles in order influence the social setting in various communities. Additionally, women are not well represented in the media in that most of the executive decisions are reserved for the men (Wolska 1). To summarize, the media should make responsible decisions by translating practices and cultures that are reflective of the changing social dynamics in order to enhance social growth.

  • Help me Dot Com. Stereotypes in the Media Web.22.2014. Tweet.
  • Wolska, Malgorzata. Gender Stereotypes in Mass Media. Case Study: Analysis of the Gender Stereotyping Phenomenon in TV Commercials. Web. 22.2014.