Sociological Imagination is the ability to situate an individual’s dilemma and life trajectories within an informed framework of social processes. It is important to note that Marxism ideas have been central to the development of the modern sociology. The sociological concepts are useful in analyzing the social phenomenon. Karl Marx used capitalism to examine society. He holds the fundamental factor of historical determinism is the world market, whereby the constituent of the national state is viewed as subordinate. According to Marx, historical specificity is significant in the sense that it proposes that each social formation should be independently analyzed to investigate the laws of development. Besides, he advocates historical generality and contend that one is not complete without the other. Its history dates back to the period of capitalism in the western, whereby the society was divided according to the social status in the society. In fact, it is progress until freedom from exploitation and class stratification is gained through the ongoing struggle. Marx argues that the history of the social structure with the biography of social classes is a critical aspect of his sociological imagination.

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The law of evolution in human society was grounded on the fact that men should first secure the means of earning livelihood and protect themselves from the work before they can think of pursuing any higher social and cultural activities. Additionally, he shows how and the reasons the diverse social species are derived from and are organically affiliated with one another. The sociologist emphasizes the need for discovering the laws that regulate the operation of particular social structures and those that govern their transmutation into one another.

Marx posits that at a particular stage of the development the material forces of production in the social order conflict with the active relations of fabrication. According to Marxism, the functions of other institutions are determined in the last analysis upon the conditions in that society. In this view, the unity of social structure is founded on the interrelations and interactions between its economic foundation and its cultural superstructure. He argues that workers are a critical agency, and their class struggles are the indispensable means of achieving their goals. The values of reason and freedom should be safeguarded in the society.