I agree with the author that in any field, communication with all types of people is important. I also feel that what Motluk states in the words of “In the non-academic world, the opposite is true: you have to sell your ideas” is also on target. I feel that you...
As the newly hired manager at Breakfast House, I have become aware of the corporate policy of firing employees without formally firing them – keeping them on the books and listing them on the shift board without assigning them any shifts. The company does this to avoid any potential costs...
The following explanation is about the changes that occur in cities and the reasons for the changes. Such developments bring in benefits that encompass the general improvement of life and status of the citizens. A good example is the city of Dubai that has changed in the last decade in...
EvaluationThe authors are highly recognized for the reason that Kanika Meshram is a Head of Department of Marketing and Marketing at the University of Macquarie, Australia. His colleague Aron is in charge of the school of management at the University of Tasmania in the same continent. Their works are highly...
Q1. There are at least five types of lodging properties whose classification is random. The first one is the hotel which give a diverse services such as lounge, entertainment rooms, and public dining among others. It is mainly located in airports, city centers as well as suburban environments. The guests...
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