Computer systems are designed to perform a set of logical and arithmetic operations automatically. These systems assist computers to achieve various tasks that are of various characteristics. In order for a computer to perform various tasks, a sequence of operations can be changed in order to fit the working environment and the nature of the work it performs. Real-time computer systems are systems that are used to perform real-time application requests (David, 2000). In order for the system to suit its systematic activities, management of system resources is conducted in a manner to suit its activities. Some of the resources that need to be managed include process schedulers, memory, input and output sub-systems.

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Process Scheduling
Real time processes are characterized with strict time constraints in its operations. For the processes to be stable, real-time systems need to have schedulers that ensure the processes are able to effectively meet deadlines. Unlike the general purpose computer systems, real-time processes schedulers need to support apparent execution of multiple processes by switching between processes in a very short time. The scheduling requirements are very strong. This needs for acquisition of priorities so that lower priority processes are not able to block crucial processes (David, 2000).

Real-time process schedulers are designed are designed to ensure there are short response times. The typical real time programs are also designed to have minimum variance in the processes. Because of its nature, system calls are used by programmers to change the scheduling parameters to ensure that they respond well to their functions. In order to run the simultaneous and rapid processes effectively, a fast and dynamic scheduling algorithm is employed in order to enhance fair and effective time slice configuration (Williams, 2004).

Memory Management
Real time processes use different memory allocation algorithms and strategies to enhance system performance for the intended systems (Williams, 2004). Unlike the general purpose systems, the real time systems support both dynamic and static memory allocation. The real time applications have highly fluctuating memory requirements. The memory management systems used in real time systems is subject to constant adjustments in order to meet the fundamental changes in user needs and demands (Williams, 2004).

The dynamic nature of real time systems with numerous periodic and aperiodic tasks dictates adoption of an architectural framework that realizes an adaptive approach to memory allocation. The proposed system in memory resource management allows simulation of results that enable suitability. Unlike the static memory allocation strategies that are employed in general purpose processes, dynamic memory management approach guarantees a memory model that suits the tight time and space requirements (David, 2000).

Input and Output Subsystems
Real time processes have custom designed input and output systems to enhance communication in all processes that are involved. The speed of data processing in a real time system depends entirely on the speed in which input and output devices provide the data. The reliability and timing requires in the processes requires that highly effective and efficient distributed devices are adopted (Williams, 2004). Multiple paths must be provided to these devices in order to improve their performance and accessibility.

The input and output subsystems must also be managed by relatively reliable and simple controllers to enhance active and fast performance. Unlike the general purpose processes, the complex input and output devices must be managed by a dedicated subsystem to enhance insulation of the whole system from unexpected failure and errors (David, 2000). The management of these subsystems enables the processes to minimize latency from the real time threads. The presence of several sophisticated processes like interval sequencing in the real time processes requires that a standard protocol and framework is observed to increase efficiency (Williams, 2004).