Malignant hypertension refers a very high blood pressure that damages delicate body organs, especially in the nervous system (Nykänen et al., 2011). Organs, such as a nervous system and kidneys are harmed. For Example, papilledema is a condition, whereby the optic nerve that is concerned with the vision is broken, threatening the vision (Nykänen et al., 2011). Different organizations and scholars have different views regarding the condition. In that context, this paper compares and contrasts a website and an article, which discusses malignant hypertension. Thus, Medscape and an article bout malignant hypertension with thrombotic microangiopathy and persistent acute kidney injury (AKI) by Nzerue and colleagues (2004) are compared. The comparison is based on the arrangement, citation styles, and organization of the two sources.

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The arrangement
Medscape website has started by defining the term hypertensive emergency, which is used to refer to malignant hypertension. The website has differentiated between accelerated hypertension and hypertensive urgency. Information regarding patient education is highlighted, followed by the process of evaluating the level of malignant hypertension. Additionally, the conditions for malignant hypertension, medical management, surgical therapy, prognosis, and prevention have discussed. Reference list has been provided at the end of the discussion.

However, the article has used a different approach in relation to the arrangement of the information. Abstract has been provided and gives the overall information concerning the article. This is followed by the introduction, whereby the overview of the condition is given. The authors have defined the state by the use of its characteristics (Nzerue et al., 2014). A case report has been provided in the article, showing the laboratory data of two patients. Discussion concerning the two patient’s results has been done (Nzerue et al., 2014). This is followed by some pictures that demonstrate its effects. The article is summarized by the provision of the teaching points. Finally, references are provided after the discussion. Notably, in both, there is a definition of the condition, but different approach has been employed. The structure that is used in presenting malignant hypertension is similar because there is an order, but the approach differs.

The citation style
The article utilizes the American Medical Association citation style, whereby it is evident in both in-text citation and reference list. The website has also employed a similar citation style. However, Medscape site has used in-text citation without following all the rules regarding the AMA in –text citation style. For instance, Gonzalez et al. has shown that the chances of renal survival between five and ten years after the condition have been diagnosed is 84% and 72% respectively (Medscape, 2014). Thus, the authors have not indicated the number of the source in the reference list.

The organization
The organization is characterized by many similarities and differences. First, in both, there are sub-topics. Data showing the severity and the number of people who have been diagnosed with the condition have been provided in both the article and the website. However, there are differences that are evident. First, the article has provided a table indicating the laboratory data of the two patients. This is contrary to the website, whereby data in relation to patients with malignant hypertension are written using prose form. Moreover, in the article, there are no sub-headings after headings. In fact, most of the information is mixed up. This is evident on the website because there is the presence of subheadings. There is support for information in the article with diagrams, something that is lacking on the site. The article has a summary that is called teaching point, which not found on the site.

In conclusion, the two sources have crucial information concerning malignant hypertension. The data presented have a slight difference, but the message relayed concerning, the causes, the effects, and the severity of the condition is the same. Different approaches have been used by the two authors of the sources.