The topic under debate in this paper is magnetic designation and the development of nursing leadership in an organization. In particular, this paper will focus on how magnetic designation and nursing leadership inspires a greater level of care and training for nurses who are less experienced and qualified. It also highlights the need for top talent in nursing and healthcare organizations and how retaining this talent will create a vibrating effect throughout the industry. The significance of the topic is such that it encourages clinics to strive towards excellence and also individuals within these respective organizations. By setting a benchmark for healthcare performance, individuals can be inspired to not only perform but excel at a level that is higher than current benchmarks and expectations. The topic relates to nursing administrative roles and functions as it inspires change and a new way of interpreting current expectations and performance levels in the American healthcare industry. This paper will effectively argue that magnetic designation and nursing leadership is the only answer to low levels of care and preventing further healthcare crises in the United States.

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Relevant Scholarship
There is extensive literature on the topic of nursing leadership and magnetic designation that directs the future of nursing and healthcare towards magnetic designation overall. The UC Davis Medical Center provides some current and highly relevant literature on the significance of magnetic designation to the individual roles and development of nurses (McHugh, 2013). In particular, it makes an effective comparison between the 1980’s and the 21st century and how levels of nursing excellence have increased over this thirty year period. In particular, it has also stipulated in clear detail how certain criteria exist, which can provide not only sufficient background but guidelines for future nursing competence and high levels of care. Summers argues that magnetic designation inspires institutional power and this in turn, retains top talent and has a greater effect on a large number of institutions, which in contrast, have not experienced exceptional results or provided a high level of care (McHugh, 2013). The Best Practice Journal also provides some solidarity with respect to the organizational benefits of magnetic designation and how there is a requirement within the nursing industry to display some level of leadership (Best Practice, 2010). This is important as a link and effective relationship needs to be made between the level of care provided to patients and the level of competence and excellence at large nursing organizations. Those organizations that have magnetic status are more likely to continue provide a high level of patient care and this effectively reduces mitigation strategies and the chance of further healthcare complications in the United States (Best Practice, 2010).

Application of Key Points
As proven by the current literature on this topic, magnetic designations and leadership performance are crucial to a number of healthcare factors including the following: 1) the retention of talent, 2) the provision of a higher level of healthcare, 3) performance benchmarks and 4) guidelines and goals for future nursing excellence. The role of the nursing administrator is pivotal to each of these factors. With respect to the retention of talent, higher performing institutions inspire nurses to remain with their chosen organization particularly if they have a sense of self worth whilst working in the workplace (McHugh, 2013). They are also associated with a higher level of care being provided to patients and nurses can redeem high levels of satisfaction from meeting the needs of their respective patients. The provision of a higher level of care motivates nurses to continue to solve healthcare issues and this in turn, makes their efforts and careers pivotal to the success of society. Performance benchmarks serve as a way of inspiring and motivating nursing administrators to achieve more and to mentor more junior nurses (Summers, 2015). In many of these high performing nursing units, they rely on the leadership of their most senior and experienced nurses. Guidelines and goals ensure that organizations keep on track with respect to their patient focus and can also allow more developing institutions to grow and rectify any outstanding issues (McHugh, 2013).

In my own personal opinion, I believe that magnetic status/designation and nursing leadership is the only way that healthcare in the United States can improve currently and develop in the future. It also allows a continuation of current instances of high performance and nursing leadership. Consolidation of nursing leadership will sustain high levels of care to patients, which effectively reduces the prevalence of healthcare issues in general society.

  • Best Practice. (2010). Evidence on determining the impact of Magnet designation on nursing and patient outcomes. 14(11), 1-4, Retrieved from Accessed on 20th December 2015.
  • McHugh, M. (2013). Magnetic status: What it is, what it is not, and what it could be. The Truth About Nursing, Retrieved from Accessed on 20th December 2015.
  • Summers, S & H. (2015). Magnetic Status Should be a Floor, Not a Ceiling. Retrieved from Accessed on 20th December 2015.