No business is immune from loss. Certain types of hazards exist that can happen anywhere at any time. Examples of these include robbery, burglary, computer hacking, credit card fraud, and check fraud. However, certain types of businesses have additional risks that are inherent to the type of work that they do. This essay will examine specific types of threats that affect businesses that are a result of the nature of the business itself. For instance, due to the nature of persons within the courthouse or courtroom setting, certain types of violence are at an increased risk (Pearson, 2012). Many people in the courthouse setting are already violent criminals and are prone to inciting violence in all types of circumstances. This essay will examine special types of security risks that affect medical and healthcare facilities.
Medical and healthcare facilities include public and private hospitals, medical clinics, medical offices, nursing homes, urgent care centers, and extended care or assisted living care facilities (Pearson, 2012). One that is often not on the list are home healthcare providers that provide services in the patient’s own home. They are prone to all of the other hazards and dangers as other medical providers, only they also face many dangers within the residential home, such as a lack of preventative measures by the homeowner. For instance, they may be working with the patient in their home who has faulty electrical wires and no smoke detectors. The specific type of hazard would not exist in a licensed facility.

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Any type of medical or healthcare facility is prone to theft, natural disaster, accidents, personal attacks on staff or patients, and sexual assaults (Pearson, 2012). Injuries from falls are some of the most common accidents that occur in healthcare facilities. In addition, medical mistakes such as incorrect dosage, or giving the wrong medication are other risks that affect healthcare facilities. There is a potential that patients or other visitors may become violent toward staff or other patients. This is particularly a risk and mental healthcare facilities or facilities that treat substance abuse addicted persons. Many types of equipment, such as life-support systems, are dependent on electrical power to help them sustain life. Loss of power can be life-threatening in a healthcare facility (Pearson, 2012). Maternity wards and pediatric healthcare facilities face a threat that is endemic only to them. Sometimes children or infants are stolen from these departments or facilities (Pearson, 2012).

One of the most common types of loss experienced in healthcare facilities is the theft of drugs from pharmacies (Pearson, 2012). Many times, this type of loss involves two or more people. First, the person has to have access to the drugs, or the means to obtain access to them. Secondly, they must be able to get away with them undetected by the many failsafe systems in the pharmacy. Pharmacy employees are at risk for stealing drugs directly from the pharmacy. However, for another person to do this would require burglary or breaking and entering. The most common form of drug theft is writing false prescriptions and presenting them to the pharmacy. Another point where this type of theft occurs is with the person administering the drugs to the patient.

Limiting this type of loss involves understanding the points were theft could occur regarding administration of drugs and putting systems in place to help detect when a theft has occurred. Screening of personnel and requiring proper I.D. are also measures that will help to limit this type of loss. Government agencies require many measures to help prevent or limit loss of this type from pharmaceutical facilities. Regular testing of employees for illicit drug use may help to curb the development of addictions that fuel this type of loss. Having a set of policies and procedures in place that increases the chances of getting caught can play a major role in preventing pharmaceutical theft.

  • Pearson (2012). Criminal Justice. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Higher-Education