Among the most controversial issues in the American context is about marriage equality in the aspect of recognizing same-sex marriages. This issue has been intensely discussed in the American society where advocacy groups have worked to ensure that lesbians, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) marriages are recognized and accorded the same opportunity as the ones engaging in traditional marriage arrangements. There has been a negative perception of these people creating a culture of discrimination, violence, and subjection to conditions that increase their inability to succeed economically in their respective social settings. As such, there is a need for examining the current situation as it pertains to marriage equality and prospects of individuals engaging in political activities.
Courts have engaged in the debate about marriage equality with an intention of enshrining fundamental rights into law particularly for same-sex marriages. Though achievements have taken time and there is still much to be accomplished, marriage equality has made significant gains that are trickling into the political landscape within America. This research, therefore, seeks to examine the trends in perception about same-sex marriages, as well as its role in the integration of same-sex marriages into the respective communities.

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The objective of the research is to examine the state of same-sex marriages and ways in which their acceptance influences the number of LGBTQ individuals running for political offices. Over the years, the perception of same-sex marriages has been a changing phenomenon whose understanding has not only varied over time, but also among the major influencers of how people in these marriages are accepted and integrated into their respective social settings. As such, the overreaching goal is to synthesize current findings about perceptions of same-sex marriages and its relative implications on sociopolitical and economic activities within the American context.

The perception about same-sex marriages has shifted from hardline stances in the 1980s and earlier to the currently supportive environment that is increasingly becoming inclusive. Factors such as increasing education levels, secularization, continuous exposure to the phenomenon of same-sex marriages, and increased education among the populace have gradually increased acceptance of this phenomenon in the American context. Over time, the perceptions about same-sex marriages have shifted in a manner that reduces previous incidences of violence, discrimination, and unfair treatment to a disadvantage of their social, economic, and political progression.

Population attitudes have played a critical role in the nature of the current outcomes about marriage equality considering that it deviates from the past cultural and societal norms. Since same sex marriages have deviated from these norms, various demographics with conservative ideals had the tendency to be hostile to the phenomena of marriage equality. However, these attitudes are changing over time where people are gradually accepting marriage equality has indicated by the rising number of LGBTQ candidates vying for various positions across the country.

Attitudes have significantly reduced over the past two decades due to increased modification of personal views over time through tolerance to issues deviating from the previously accepted cultural norms. This pattern has been observed in several population subgroups across America classified according to their age, gender, educational, and religious affiliations. Increased liberalization is what has resulted into a liberalized political environment where people engaging in same-sex marriages have the capacity to seek political positions without fear of discrimination, violence, and other tendencies that have been of detriment to their socioeconomic and political progression.

Social surveys from the 1980s to 2010 have asserted that attitudes towards same-sex marriages is reflective of a cultural shift that is increasingly accepting the aforementioned phenomena among the different demographics. As of the year 2010, opposition for same-sex marriages has been left to the elderly, African Americans, and other demographics whose religious and political believes are conservative. Additionally, education and secularization have led to more liberal attitudes that have not only resulted in increased support for same-sex marriages but also encouraged more LGBTQ individuals to run for office.

The same factors are responsible for the moderation and liberalization of gay marriages by attempting to balance morality and equality against cultural constructs that have existed for decades. Community interactions have created greater acceptance rather than hostility meant to restrict rights associated with same-sex marriages. However, there is notable conditional support for the said marriages particularly from the Christian communities but with negligible effects on other demographic groups. The elevated levels of support and acceptance are the ones that have constructed an environment that is supportive of individuals of same-sex marriage in their pursuance of political opportunities.

Despite the increasing liberalization and moderations relating to acceptance of marriage equity, it is essential to seek mechanisms for developing and reinforcing cultural themes that increasingly respond to dynamism in the lesbian and gay communities. It is true that there is resistance to legislation and programs that promote same-sex marriages as an alternative lifestyle with deep divisions in the political arena. Regardless, it has been noted that Americans are increasingly supporting candidates who are openly engaged in same-sex marriages and are committed to fighting for their marriage equality. This can be attributed to the rising number of LGBTQ candidates running for political offices in every election year. As such, it can be deduced that the increasing support for marriage equality is translating to more LGBTQ candidates running for office from areas with higher support of their being as compared to demographics identified as hostile to same-sex marriages.

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