Based on a number of research studies and reports, it is true and evident that groups are made up of individuals and not all groups can form a team (Raes et al, 2015, p. 6). Furthermore, based on a number of research studies and reports, it is true and evident that there are various bases of power including the coercive power, the reward power as well as the referent and the reward power systems (Sinha 2014, p. 298). Therefore, the main aim, objective as well as purpose of the research paper is to provide a literature review towards the topic of organizational groups and team, power and politics in the society especially in relation to organization behavior systems. The paper will include the differences between groups and teams as well as different bases of power in organizations and their application towards the promotion of the firm activities and practices.

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Based on a number of research studies and reports, it is true and evident that groups are made up of individuals and not all groups can form a team (Raes et al, 2015, p. 6). Furthermore, it is worth noting that a group can include two or more individuals especially those who share some common interests and needs in the society (Ulbrich et al, 2015, p. 500). On the other hand, a team refers to any group of people who are involved in the same activity such as work activities or sport practices. It is also true that a group usually share the same cultures and behaviors in an organization (Raes et al, 2015, p. 12).

According to recent management studies and reports, it is true and evident that a team may include a group of individuals and majority of team members usually work together towards the achievement of a common goal and objective in the society (Ulbrich et al, 2011, p. 489). Group members usually have similar behaviors and characteristics and it is easier to identify members of a group in the society. For example, it is true and evident that young individuals in a firm can easily form a group due to their sharing of similar behaviors and social traits (Raes et al, 2015, p. 8).

In most cases, there are a number of differences between a group and a team. For example, teams usually work best through the application of proper and effective coordination systems while a group work best without coordination since they may not focus on the achievement of a common goal (Raes et al, 2015, p. 11).

It is also true and evident that team members are independent of each other and they work together towards the achievement of a common goal (Ulbrich et al, 2011, p. 488). However, it is also true and evident that a group may be disconnected and can include individuals of the same race, gender or ethnic background in the society. There are also some cases where a team exists only within a specific duration while majority of groups usually last for long (Raes et al, 2015, p. 7). In that sense, it is imperative that global managers involved the use of team work towards the achievement of short term organizational goals and objectives in the society (Raes et al, 2015, p. 10).

In a team, each individual has a duty to play while in a group individuals work in an informal manner and there is no assigning of roles and duties in a group. Moreover, it is true and evident that individual in a team usually understands each other’s and coordinates in order to achieve their common objectives. In a group, individual may not have personal relationships towards each other (Raes et al, 2015, p. 18). Therefore, it is true that the application and use of teams is more important than groups work in the process of achieving goals and objectives of organizations (Raes et al, 2015, p. 23).

There are various types of groups such as work groups, social groups as well as self-help groups and inter-agency groups in the society. Proper management of a group in an organization requires the application of effective communication systems. Teams are mostly specific in nature and mostly focus on the achievement of particular tasks in the society (Raes et al, 2015, p. 22).

In a team, the leader only provides guidance to the members while in a group the leader mostly dominates majority of activities in the group. It is also worth noting that in a team all members actively participate towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of the firm. On the other hand, in a group, the leader delegates and conducts almost all activities with little consideration on the workers input. Therefore, it is true and evident that a team includes a group of people who work and coordinate towards the achievement of a common interest, need and desire in the society (Kożusznik et al, 2015, p. 18). However, a group refers to a number of people who have a common cultures and share some common characteristics and behaviors in the society (Raes et al, 2015, p. 30).

Based on a number of research studies and reports, it is true and evident that there are various bases of power including the coercive power, the reward power as well as the referent and the reward power systems (Sinha 2014, p. 298). In most cases, the referent power is rooted on high levels of trust and respect. In organizations where managers possess this type of power, majority of employees respect and trust the manager. The manager involves in fair treatment towards the workers. On the other hand, there is the reward power which is mostly based on the provision of gifts and other forms of rewards in order to promote employees compliance with the top management practices. It includes the use of promotion, giving bonuses as well as other gifts in order to motivate the employees (Rye 2015, p. 1057).

However, expert power is where the top management is able to show high levels of skills, experiences and knowledge in the process of handling the firm activities (Sinha 2014, p. 299). There is also the legitimate power that is mainly based on the rank or position that someone in authority have in the society (Sinha 2014, p. 300).

In most cases, power and politics influence organization practices and it is important to note that power and proper leadership go hand in hand in global organization operations. Global firm managers should use their power and authority in order to promote global image of the firm, promote proper operations of the firm activities and also increase workers commitment towards achievement of the firm objectives and goals in the society (Rye 2015, p. 1052).

According to research studies and publications by COBB (2016), it is true and evident that organizational power and politics influence how activities are conducted in an organization and is based on effective human relations and systems in an organization (COBB 2016, p. 342). Furthermore, according to Geppert, & Dörrenbächer (2014), it is true and evident that organizational power and politics should ensure that all individual values are covered in the organization business activities and operations (Geppert, & Dörrenbächer 2014, p.230). In most cases, the investigation of human behaviors in an organization involves the analysis of both internal and external perspectives in the firm. There are a number of human factors that usually determine power and politics in a work environment and determine its impact authority, human relations and other work accountability systems (Geppert, & Dörrenbächer 2014, p.232). In order to understand and promote proper and effective power and politics in an organization, it is important that the management of the firm understand individuals in an organizational environment including understanding of their feelings and personal values of their workers (Cobb 1986, p. 485).

Willmott (2013), also argues that power and politics influence how people react and how people interact within groups and it is used by firm managers in order to promote effective and efficient business organizations (Willmott 2013 p. 281). In that sense, it is true that proper and effective understanding of the power and politics systems can be applied to the management of workers and promotes productivity in the organization especially towards the increase of the performance of the employees and other stakeholders in the organization (Cobb 1986, p. 487). In order to promote high levels of performance and job satisfaction levels in organization, top management and leadership should encourage the people to work as a team and promote innovate practices in the firm (Cobb 1986, p. 482). Furthermore, according to research studies and findings by Cobb (1986), it is true that the process of promoting high quality and productivity in organization should cover and include effective leadership and proper analysis of how various practices can be used in achieving job satisfaction in the firm (Cobb 1986, p. 488).

The study of power and politics has been used in a number of cases, in order to study different human problems in the society including towards decision making practices in the society (Cavanagh, Moberg, & Velasquez 1981, p. 363). It is also true and evident that theories and findings from power and politics activities are mostly used in promoting better business activities and decision making practices in organizations (Cavanagh, Moberg, & Velasquez 1981, p. 366). It is also worth noting that power and politics is closed related with proper leadership and include other sectors of human relations such as decision making, learning, motivation as well as negotiation and power influences in the society (Cavanagh, Moberg, & Velasquez 1981, p. 364). There are different types of powers and politics that influence how people react towards top management in an organization. Some of the political behaviors and types of power in an organization include legitimate power, reward power as well as coercive power. In most cases, coercive power focus on the promotion of social systems, dynamics of change as well as business markets and other relationships between organizations and their environments (Schein 1977, p. 64). In most cases, global firms use power and politics practices in order to include cultural values and beliefs of different individuals in their business operations and activities.

Moreover, through effective and proper of reward power and politics, business firms are able to reward their employees, satisfy their customers and also increase proper leadership systems in the organization (Schein 1977, p. 68). It also includes the analysis of different personality of workers in the firm and providing services based on the values and behaviors of workers in the firm. This includes the provision of good and effective working conditions and monitoring of the activities of the workers in the firm (Schein 1977, p. 66).

Therefore, it can be argued that power and politics influence the interrelationship between different aspects of the organization including control systems, production rates as well as rewards and relationship between workers and those in authority (Ramírez Solís, Baños Monroy, & Orozco-Gómez 2014,, p. 65). Furthermore, power and politics also includes ethical behaviors and other moral activities in organizations. It is also true and evident that power and politics covers several ideas and concepts such as leadership, decision making, the use of authority and supervision of the workers in an organization (Schein 1977, p. 67).

However, the responsibility of providing effective and proper organizational power and politics relies on the management of the firm (Ramírez Solís, Baños Monroy, & Orozco-Gómez 2014,, p. 67). The managers should work together with other stakeholders in the firm in order to promote corporate culture in the firm especially through analysis and consideration of different cultural values in the society (Ramírez Solís, Baños Monroy, & Orozco-Gómez 2014,, p. 66). This will positively impact individuals, groups, and different structures in the organization include communication procedures and other management practices in the firm (Schein 1977, p. 65).

According to a number of recent management studies ad reports, it is true that the main aim of providing organizational power and politics is to promote organizational practices through moral and ethical procedures (Ocasio 1994, p. 285). There are also those who argue that organizational power and politics is relevant in the field of management since it encompasses many of the issues managers face on a daily basis such supervision and other control mechanisms (Fleming, & Spicer 2014, p. 298). Through the use and application of organizational power and politics, managers are able to promote team building activities, increase employee job satisfaction as well as understanding how to delegate tasks and organize resources in the firm (Fleming, & Spicer 2014, p. 241). Moreover, studies and research findings by Fleming, & Spicer (2014), also indicated that organizational power and politics mostly deals heavily with social, moral and cultural practices in the society (Fleming, & Spicer 2014, p. 238).

However, according to Fleming, & Spicer (2014), it is evident that organizational power and politics is mostly use in the analysis of the connections and interrelationships between human factors and other elements in the organization (Fleming, & Spicer 2014, p. 237). In order to promote proper and effective organizational power and politics, the top management should consider the human factors, social elements and other organization aims in the society (Fleming, & Spicer 2014, p. 267). In most cases, the top leadership in an organization should consider the various policies and core values in the organization. This will allow for the provision of services and business activities in the organization based on the cultural values of different individuals in the firm (Chown, & Liu 2015, p. 178). Proper leadership should support the social and cultural needs and values of various individuals in the society (Chown, & Liu 2015, p. 177). In most cases, working and providing services based on organizational culture helps in the improvement of services and other decision making attempts in the organization (Fleming, & Spicer 2014, p. 287).

According to Chown, & Liu (2015), it is evident and true that there are various frameworks that organization should adopt in managing organization business practices and activities (Chown, & Liu 2015, p. 187). In most cases, the autocratic model of organizational power and politics is based on the use of power and authority by the management in order to promote firm operations and activities (Chown, & Liu 2015, p. 192). This model of organization power and politics usually helps in motivation and monitoring of employee performance in the organization (Fleming, & Spicer 2014, p. 251).

Therefore, it is evident that majority of organizations usually include a collection of people and the study of organizational power and politics mainly aim at analyzing the interconnections between the people and the control system in an organization as a whole (Chown, & Liu 2015, p. 185). It includes the investigation of the influence of individuals, groups, and structure on organizational behavior with the goal of using it to grow an organization’s effectiveness. (Fleming, & Spicer 2014, p. 243). There are various social systems that form part of organizational power and politics including social, ethical and human factors. However, it is also worth noting that the main aim of studying organizational power and politics is to promote performance, increase supervision and proper relationship between subordinates and those in authority in the firm (Soulsby, & Clark 2013, p. 176). In that sense, effective leadership is imperative towards the achievement of effective organizational power and politics in the society. Managers should study human behaviors and other human relations in order to allow them motivate and guide their employees in the society (Soulsby, & Clark 2013, p. 178). Global firms should ensure that employees in their firm do not face problems such as stress and high levels of pressure that may negatively influence their operations and activities in the firm (Lawrence, Mauws, Dyck, & Kleysen 2005, p. 181). There is need for the creation of a good working relationship between the employees and other stakeholders in the firm in order to promote and improve decision making process in the firm. Organization culture should consider the employees needs and values towards major decision making (Fleming, & Spicer 2014, p. 268).