Leadership is the ability to influence a group of people or followers towards specific goals. An individual achieves these capabilities due to followers’ expectations, possession of quality leadership skills, group maturity among other factors that impact leadership. A leader’s major goal is to serve his or her followers rather than being served. Additionally, true leaders understand and acknowledge that their key role is to assist their followers achieve their potential rather than exploiting them for individual gain (Leadership Workbook n.p.). Trust is a key element of a leader. A true leader establishes trust among their followers and more so always truthful. Taking into consideration the leader-follower relationship, different leadership styles have been formulated. The different leadership styles that label a leader depends on the technique and the way a leader controls and relate with their followers.

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The way in which a leader control his followers play a significant role defining his or her leadership style. It is a general assumption that the leader is the person in charge of his/ her followers. However, the way this is achieved still requires intensive investigation. For instance, to understand this, it is important to understand the way leaders gain control of their followers and how they use control to gain influence them (Leadership Workbook n.p.). A leader can gain control through values and norms governing a specific society. Such values and norms often steer people to accepting the existing authority without questioning its validity. Through this, a leader gains control of their followers. Leaders also gains control of their followers through an election (Leadership Workbook n.p.). Such a leader is often elected based on various promises and parameters and achieves control of a society or a group. In this kind of control, the followers have a significant voice since, if the followers are not satisfied they can change the leader in authority.

From the above discussions, it is evident that leadership styles depend highly on the framework or environment from which one is leading their followers. Using ‘control’ as one of the variables that influence the development of leadership concepts, it is evident that there are other environmental factors that effects follower’s anticipations of their leader (Leadership Workbook n.p.). Leader-follower relationship is influenced by distinct factors within the leadership environment. For this reason, understanding and acknowledging the way leaders and their followers relate and interact play an important role in understanding and acknowledging leadership.

To understand the distinct leadership components and the cause rapport, recognizing the different leadership styles is critical. Even though there quite substantial number of leadership elements, the major aim is recognizing the major leadership components and examine how they relate (Leadership Workbook In such a research, the steering goal is to differentiate the primary components from the rest. The major aim of this research will be to find out the component that an effective leader possesses. Additionally, if they do exist, what are they and how do they relate and interlink to develop an effective leader. By understanding this, then an effective leadership behavior analytical model can easily be designed.

In conclusion, from the above discussion, control is one of the elements that influence leadership concept. A leader’s major goal is to serve his or her followers rather than being served. Moreover, true leaders understand and acknowledge that their key role is to assist their followers achieve their potential rather than exploiting them for individual gain. Using distinct frameworks, leadership elements can be recognized creating a tangible base for theory enhancement. The need to understand cause/effect rapport, create a good ground for future research to understand the qualities and elements of an effective leader.