Management implies the organization of business activities with the objective to achieve the defined goals. It involves the coordination of such activities with the view to see the business a success. On the contrary, leadership within the context of business implies the establishment of vision within the given organization, provision of information, knowledge and the methodologies to achieve the vision. Leadership also includes the sharing of the knowledge of the vision to others so that they get to follow it willingly. Within the business context, leadership helps in the innovation of ideas in that organization while the management helps in the administration of activities in the organization (Gold, Thorpe & Mumford, 2010).

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According to Gold, Thorpe & Mumford (2010), management puts its focus on the structures and systems within that given organization and ensures that these are implemented within the organizational frameworks. On the other hand, leadership ensures that the people within that organization are attended to and motivated to perform maximally. In the management spheres, managers interest themselves with control on the set procedures and instructions as well as the people while management inspires trust on the people in that organization. On the same course, management often looks at things shallowly and at the bottom lines while leaders look and address situations wholesomely and look at them at the overall overview, the horizons. From these differences, it is therefore, clear that for an organization to combine both the leadership and managerial skills in the management of the organizations (Coleman & Glover, 2010).

Roles and Responsibilities of Leaders in Acquiring Healthy Organizational Culture
Leaders have the role of ensuring that the visions of the organizations are realized within friendly and all-rounded frameworks. This ensures that the workers in the given organizations are considered in the implementation of the vision and mission frameworks of the organization. Leaders inspire employees and colleagues in the organization to realize the objectives of the company without sidelining their interests and points of concerns as well. Through this, the employees get satisfied in the work environment and thus healthy organizational cultures.

According to Schein (2010), leaders in organizational setting motivate the actions of the employees and other stakeholders around a common purpose. This implies that the actions taken by all the stakeholders must be to the benefit of every person in the organization. This accrues benefits and satisfaction of all the entities involved in the management and running entirely of the organization. Leaders provide the ethical codes and standards that managers, supervisors, and employees must work and operate within in order to acquire greatest benefit. Through these frameworks, the organizational achievements meet the satisfaction of all stakeholders in the organization. Leaders are always loyal, that will and interests of the majority within the organizational structures are often considered (Coleman & Glover, 2010).

The managers should include the views of employees on certain activities following that working within their interest will accrue the company great benefits. For instance, employees’ views are important in identifying the challenges they face in the company and creates awareness on what should the directors change. It is easy to achieve production targets in situations where the managers hear out the concerns of employees. In another instance, managers should not base the operations of the organizations on the interests and objectives of organization without motivating the employees to work effectively. Employees need to be motivated in research and development, pay increases, bonuses, and promotions. This will aide in creating healthy organizational culture (Schein, 2010).