Playing, learning, and socializing all day long – what could be better for a small child? The issue of whether or not kindergartens are advantageous young children remains arguable. Some believe that educational interaction among young children stimulates their critical thinking and social skills. However, others say kindergartens are too expensive to provide to all children. Nevertheless, kindergartens should be available to every child because they prepare children for school and adult life and help them develop and improve their communication and socialization skills.

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Those who argue kindergartens are beneficial to children believe this early opportunity for learning should be available to every child because educators teach children literacy and communication skills and provide them with opportunities for socialization. This assists children because it prepares them for school and adult life. Parents also need to think of what awaits their children in the future. Kindergartens hire trained professionals to work with children. Such professionals help children to develop the basic literacy skills they will need to go to school. In kindergartens, children learn to work with teachers. They also learn to follow rules and how to appropriately interact with both adults and other children. It is not difficult to imagine that children who attend kindergartens will show better learning results at school. They will have better reading and writing skills than their peers who have spent their first years at home.

Kindergartens also provide children with remarkable communication and socialization opportunities. Surrounded by other children and teachers, children learn to communicate with peers, establish productive relationships, resolve conflicts, and avoid quarrels. They become more flexible in their interactions with other people, and such flexibility makes their lives easier. By the time they are ready to go to school, such children will know how to communicate with peers and respect teacher authority.

However, those who oppose sending children to school at a young age feel that starting a child in school too soon is too expensive. They argue that making kindergartens available to every single child is a luxury and that it just too costly for the state to provide quality preschool education services to everyone. Unfortunately, they often forget that the cost of preschool education is much lower than the benefits it offers to children and their parents. Children who are better equipped with knowledge and communication skills create a social environment of cooperation. Children who spend their time in kindergartens also release their mothers from unnecessary household chores, thus allowing them to look for employment. The importance of children attending kindergarten for outweighs the expense to the state.

It is apparent that the topic of preschool education is extremely important. Every child should have the opportunity to attend kindergartens in order to be well-prepared for both school and adult life and to help them develop and improve their communication and socialization skills. While some people argue that making kindergartens available to every child is too costly for the country, the cost of preschool education is much lower than the benefits offered to parents and children. Affording the opportunity for every child to attend kindergarten is a responsibility parents and the state should cooperatively ensure.