The purpose of this assignment is to delineate the key competencies of an information management system. Several key questions will be addressed in this process. The personal knowledge as well as management tools established by the organization are critical to the success experienced throughout their endeavors. Further, steps towards information security and knowledge maintenance are identified. Sustained advantages over competitors are further examples of organizational development. IT infrastructure is one of the most important areas for consideration as well because of the complex benefits that can be established. Successful collaboration in addition to the demonstrated success of the organization are amongst the core advantages of this analysis. The standards for implementation include collaboration techniques in addition to hardware and software. Several specific types of these are identified in this report of key organizational interests.

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The Institution PRIDE has been selected because of the processing of privacy settings that is consistently performed. A patient can communicate with multiple health professionals through this procedure. By establishing a core system that addresses patient relationships and processes it is possible for there to be much greater outcomes in terms of privacy and overall efficacy. Institution. This is related to the consecutive establishment of organization collaboration and management between patients as well as care providers. Key outcomes from implementation and collaboration suggest that there are benefits from existing practices. There are several ways that IT infrastructure promotes success within this organization. Not only are there key services available throughout the departments, but there are also a number of lasting white hat security measures in place to address core concerns or methods of operation (Hu et al., 1999).

Within this organization a patient will have multiple contacts and can utilize the platform for varying purposes. Privacy settings are an important area of concern because of the volume of healthcare professionals. In a a constant communication or correspondence situation, patients would need the benefit of high security in order to establish the right information with the right care provider. Doing so would benefit the entire system and promote change in a sustainable way. Further, these methods are inline with contemporary information system management and the techniques needed for ultimate success in data privacy and management. These themes support continual development in healthcare while propagating a solid foundation for subsequent change (Ash et al., 2004).

Some specific examples of hardware and software include Microsoft and Oracle. These are major software platforms and and must address the risks and problems of employee management. These are critical to performance and must be maintained in order to promote organizational outcomes and benefits (Berg, 2003). In the future, telehealth will be responsible for a variety of care outcomes and methods of operation. Therefore it is essential that procedures in PRIDE are sustainable and can support the lasting repercussions of patient healthcare and privacy methods.

In conclusion there are a number of benefits that can be ascertained from the organizational infrastructure and analysis. Success that is based on core advantages contributes greatly towards the way that this institution can maintain viability within complex or changing marketplaces. Specific types of collaboration further demonstrate benefits in terms of efficacy and procedure implementation. PRIDE is able to address the IT concerns as well as safety requirements in various ways. Since there are critical standards of operation that require IT management to be in place it is important that success be established through privacy management and care implementation. Addressing these aspects of technology suggest that there are lasting results that can be determined with respect to patient care and privacy within the system at large.

  • Ash, J. S., Berg, M., & Coiera, E. (2004). Some unintended consequences of information technology in health care: the nature of patient care information system-related errors. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 11(2), 104-112.
  • Berg, M. (2003). Health information management: Integrating information and communication technology in health care work. Routledge.
  • Hu, P. J., Chau, P. Y., Sheng, O. R. L., & Tam, K. Y. (1999). Examining the technology acceptance model using physician acceptance of telemedicine technology. Journal of management information systems, 16(2), 91-112.