In Judaism, the stories of Creation are found in the books of Genesis in the Torah, which demonstrate how G-d created the world in six days, to rest on the seventh day. Like in the Old Testament of the Bible, there is an inherently and widely accepted belief that G-d is the creator of all: heaven and earth, people and animals and mountains and rivers. Jews take this account to be undeniably true and believe that the world was created exactly in that way. The nature of creation and the story behind it, however, has been a major issue between religion, science and philosophy.

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Judaism does not have formal mandatory beliefs, but there are 13 principles of faith that are the minimum requirements of the belief, one of them being that G-d exists, is unique and created all. In the Jewish faith, it accepts and observes proven facts and the theory of evolution, but rejects things that contradict Jewish beliefs, especially those not scientifically proven. G-d created the world with a purpose and natural laws, in addition to a religious set of morals that Man is to ascribe to a live by for his entire life.

The Genesis creation myth is shared by Judaism and Christianity, but the two have differences as well. In one, G-d is powerful and would cause chaos that would eventually restructure the world. In another, G-d creates a good world and Creation is symmetrical and organized. The two creation stories have two different narratives that present G-d differently, one human-like and another a majestic and calculating deity. There is an inability between the two to pin G-d down to create a cohesive, uniform and univocal image of G-d Himself. The Judeo-Christian stories of creation also have differences with other creation myths like the Greek, Mayan and modern scientific stories of such.

  • GCSE Bitesize: The origins of the universe. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2017, from
  • Origin Story: Judeo-Christian. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2017, from
  • Steinberg, A. (2010). The Theory of Evolution – A Jewish Perspective. Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal, 1(1), e0008.
  • Toyryla, H. Theories of creation in Judaism.