The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a short novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson in the 19th century describing the duality of human nature, where an individual can be both good and evil. The author presents the idea that shows good and evil can exist in one person and that the two sides in the human personality experience a form of struggle. Dr. Jekyll is a character in the novel who is an outstanding and respected member of the community. Particularly, all the desires for the dark side of life are repressed. Dr. Jekyll carries out an experiment to create a chemical formula to transform himself into a person with a different personality (Mr. Hyde). The plot of the novel is attributed to Dr. Jekyll’s obsession with his darker side. Throughout the novel, Jekyll and Hyde are perceived to be different people because they have varied personalities. While Dr. Jekyll is good, social, and approachable, Mr. Hyde is evil and he is known to cause harm and mayhem.
The transformation of Jekyll in the novel has psychological aspects because the dual personality shows two halves of the same person that is described as polar opposites. As such, when the good side of the person exists, it takes over and destroys the bad side. Similarly, when the evil personality exists, it destroys the good one. The novel uses symbolism as the main technique as it heightens the contrast between two different personalities. The symbol used is light and darkness and it shows how the sense of security conveyed bay daylight could be false because it only occurs when darkness is repressed. The story is also set in different areas and each context reflects the personality of the character. For instance, the novel depicts that Hyde lives in a dark and scary area, which associates with his personality. Therefore, the idea of the dual nature of humanity exists as people could be good or bad under different circumstances.

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Macbeth Act 1
In Scene 3, Macbeth receives the title Thane of Cawdor according to the prophecy of the witches earlier in the scene. The title prepares him to seek the crown as he discusses with Banquo. However, the news does not excite Macbeth as expected but instead, he seems restless. He then thinks of murdering the king in order to fulfill the second prophecy of the three witches. Ross and Angus notice that Macbeth is in a distraught state but Banquo dismisses their observation and says that it is due to Macbeth’s unfamiliarity with the new title.

Scene 4 starts with Duncan demanding to know if the former Thane had been executed, and his son assures him that the Thane was indeed dead. Duncan mentions that he had absolute trust in the former Thane shortly before Macbeth and Banquo enters. Duncan then thanks them for their loyalty and bravery. Betrayal is first seen in this scene because Duncan does not know what Macbeth intends to do in order to fulfill the witches’ prophesy. However, although Macbeth wants to be the next king, he does not know Duncan’s plans to make his son the heir until when he mentions it Macbeth realizes that there is a stumbling block to his ascension to the throne. In Scene 5, Lady Macbeth reads Macbeth’s letter about his meeting with the witches and although she also wants Macbeth to ascend to the throne, she knows he is not ruthless and it will not be easy for him to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth then decides to plan for Macbeth to kill Duncan and even tells him how he should do it. The theme of betrayal is evident in scene 5 because Duncan trusts Macbeth and when he decides to visit him he is not aware of what awaits him.