Religion is one of the most powerful tools that guides the society in various perspectives. One of the biggest religious entities across the globe is Islam. The muslin community is growing fast and this is motivated by the powerful religious and social principles that guide the entity. The doctrines and protocols that govern the Muslim community is one of the imperative tools that keeps the believers and strengthens the bond among them. The social perspectives within the Muslim community is elemental towards the initiation and running of various political issues within the society. This is one of the major reasons as to why the Muslim community is divided into two distinct divisions that are the Sunni and Shi’a. The differences between the two divisions is heavily manifested in the doctrine and practice with a special focus on the revelation on authority and power. The progressions in the social evolutions of the Muslim community is one of the aspects that has led to the shaping of the differences (Bayat, 2012). The historical perspectives are also elemental towards shaping these differences among these groups of people. The power and authority engagements between the two groups of the Muslim community is also triggered by the cultural believes and control for the religious resources.

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Both the Shiites and Sunnis are bind by a common denominator that is defined along the cultural perspectives of the Muslim community (Leitchman, 2015). The religious beliefs and doctrines enshrined with the religion are common and they guide the members of both divisions towards their operations. Therefore, the structural and functional basis for the Muslim community along these two groups of people operates as indicated within the cultural perspectives of their worship and engagement. The continuous revelations and belief to Muhammad is an elemental binding factor that regulates their view to religion and believing within their operation disregarding some of their major historical and religious ideologies that have come forth in the society today.

The understanding of the Shiites and Sunni Islam regarding the revelation of authority exhibits massive differences. The operation of these groups of people as revolutionary entities is powerful force that defines the perspectives and ideologies of these groups of people and their engagements with unity towards achieving their separate political agendas. The ideological, historical and religious differences among these groups of people are imperative towards the strategic formulation and implementation of their basic operations functions with a view of having sufficient control, of the whole religious function. These operations have been instrumental towards strengthening the political engagements of the Muslim community and towards promoting a wide view of the religious function as defined in the operations doctrines and engagements (Leitchman, 2015).

A structural basis for the political and authority revelations for the differences among the Shiites and Sunni is embedded in the power play for the succession of Prophet Muhammad. This is a historical dispute that has shaped the differences and has led to the engagements that are associated with the people that are under these entities in the society. The principles of righteousness and piety are important towards governing the beliefs among these two groups of the Muslim community and it is important towards forming the protocols for the power and political perspectives among these people. As a result, this governs the authority of these people and enhances effective formulation and implementation of various religious constructs (Leitchman, 2015). Enhancing governance through the respective leadership and control among these groups if people is instrumental towards promoting a guide for the playing of the political and power games among the two separate entities in the Muslim community (Bayat, 2012). The alignment of people among these two communities also assist in giving a guidance with regard to the senses of a political belonging and what the members of the Muslim community believe. The revelation is also heavily embedded in the need to control the political and power aspect that is heavily linked with the total control of the Muslim community and their resources. Therefore, the exploitation of these groups of people is an important undertaking that facilitates the strategic engagements of people and their governance with a strategic goal towards heightening the level of control. The ability to influence the Muslim powers for the people across the world is also an important driving force that can inspire the running of important processes in the society.

According to the Shiite community, the Imams that got the power from the Prophet Muhammad have an important view towards influencing the power and authority succession perspectives. This view is innate among the believers of the Shiite community and it is one of the most influential persons towards the whole Muslim function. This kind of divine ordination form the prophet is an important undertaking as this gives a strategic guidance that is important in the provision of leadership and guidance. The inheritance of the divine powers and the closeness to Muhammad (Leitchman, 2015). The typical representation of the importance of religious beliefs associated with these groups of people is important towards enhancing the commitment so for these people who are aligned to these religious constructs towards achieving their strategic goals and objectives. On the other hand, the Sunni Believers are associated with the legitimization of their actions through the law and their strict adherence to ten se perspectives is elemental towards the establishment of accurate legal frameworks that guide their management and administration of authority and from their leaders and their application of the law in the appropriate manner (Bayat, 2012).

The Shiite strongly believe in the application of the Islam law and the religious beliefs towards the succession of power and authority from the Imams. This is the framework along which a relationship created between Allah and human beings and this is where the application of authority by the leaders is exhibited to the people. The functions of authority established through the spiritual engagement in this perspective is perceived to be cosmic and human and this is an important avenue through which mediations for mankind are created. The recognition of the legal frameworks depends on the legitimacy of the established entity.

The Sunni and Shiite Muslims have also an exclusive definition of the power of authority. This is ultimately bestowed upon Allah as the eventual source of redemption and intercession. The presence of divine revelation is one of the most powerful tolls upon which power and authority are bestowed. The application of analogy and consensus is elemental towards the establishment of a good relationship towards the acquisition of righteous deeds. The establishment of the authority is also exhibited through the representation of God as the ultimate mediator. Therefore, this is important because it produces massive influence that is enhanced by the spiritual perspectives (Leitchman, 2015).

To sum up, the Sunni and Shiite are the political movements that have been established within the Muslim community. These perspectives are elemental towards the interpretation of revelation and authority and power. Through this, this is the manner in which social change. This assisted in establishment of cultural and policies within the religious construct. Therefore, these are the platforms along which the policies and political issues are addressed in the society (Bayat, 2012). As a result, these religious establishments because of their operation as religious governments with political ideologies government.

  • Bayat, M. (2012). Mysticism and Dissent. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press.
  • Leitchman, H. (2015). New Perspectives on Islam. New York: Oxford University press.