A field trip to the Iolani Palace was an essential experience that made me change my comprehension of the history of the area and people living in Hawai’i because I could literally feel “a proud Hawaiian national identity” . Hawaii is typically thought of as a multicultural environment, and Iolani Palace is the embodiment of this stereotype because it has been a spiritual, social, and political center until 1893. That year monarchy was overthrown, and since 1962 Iolani Palace became the only official royal residence in the U.S. Currently, it is one of the national historic landmarks, and it is an easily recognized construction in Hawaii. Walking across the palace grounds, the grandeur of the Palace astonishes the visitors. I noticed an ancient heiau on the grounds of the palace where the Hawaiian kings completed their worshiping practices. For me, it is a symbol of the Hawaiian identity, their cultural differences, and depiction of their sociocultural evolution that occurred after the transition from a monarchy to becoming a part of the U.S. The Iolani Place is a symbol and a demonstration of the Hawaiian independence.

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It was used as the official residence of the monarchs and was also used as a capitol of the Kingdom of Hawaii. This building is a quintessence of influences on the historical and cultural (architectural) levels, and consequently, the building of the royal residence represents the impressive impact of the European architecture. I was fascinated by the fact that the islanders, though they were royalty, had implemented the most recent technological solutions of their time. It is a demonstration of how the best global technical innovations were introduced to the royal palace – the intra-house phones, flush toilets, and the first electric bulbs. The American influence is also present in the decoration of the throne, dining and reception rooms of the Palace. Currently, the Iolani Palace is referred to as American Florentine. In 1895, the building hosted the new American provisional government.

Over the next sixty years, the Palace was used as the headquarters for the Republic of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii, and the state of Hawaii. Besides, during the WWII it became the headquarters for the military governor of the Hawaiian Islands. The most valuable parts of the Iolani Palace, as for me, are the Blue Room and Throne Room. These rooms are located across the hall from each other. The Blue Room was used instead of the Throne room for the informal meetings and smaller receptions. I enjoyed looking at the portraits of Queen Liliuokalani and King Kalakaua by William Cogswell, the American artist. Unlike the Blue Room, the Throne Role is decorated in crimson and gold colors. It is the most significant room in the Iolani Palace, and that was used for the formal and official audiences, state balls, and diplomatic receptions. This room was used for trial on Queen Liliuokalani.

This place is the area of high interest for a walking tour for the visitors. I consider it to be a national treasure that presents enormous historical, cultural, and spiritual value. It presents a significant historical value for the future generations because it tells the story of the local population. It is currently supported by sponsors and volunteers and is open to the public visits. This Palace is a beautiful architectural piece with fascinating and breath-catching designs. At the same time, it is the evidence of the dramatic events in the Hawaiian history. It is a unique building that became the cornerstone of the new epoch of the development of the Hawaiian Islands. Iolani Palace is the pearl of the American history and exclusive sample of architecture that represents the variety of dramatic historical events that occurred in the region.