There are several laws of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics is with regard to the Conservation of Energy. This law describes how energy behaves, in that it cannot be created and it cannot be destroyed in an isolated system. In other words, energy is moved between related systems, but it does not dissipate or disappear. According to the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy or disorder of any isolated system always increases. In other words, while energy cannot be created or destroyed, it will continually move from hot to colder, and therefore subject to entropy or increasing hot loss due to the inefficiency of the energy as it becomes increasingly disordered (Jha, 2013). These laws can be understood using the example of a barrel of oil. Energy is stored in hydrocarbons such as oil in the chemical bonds. If you use a wood fire to heat a barrel of oil, the oil will become warm. This is an example of the first law of thermodynamics. The energy from the wood is not destroyed when the wood burns, it is transferred to the heat of the oil. When oil is burned, the chemical bond that forms oil is broken, and that energy is released. The result is no longer oil, just as the wood becomes ashes. The energy from the oil hasn’t disappeared with the oil that was burned, it was transferred as heat to another source. When the heat dissipates, the energy hasn’t disappeared; it has just become more widely distributed in the systems of energy and isn’t useful as heat. The constant movement of energy resources to the randomness of entropy eventually means the end of the world as we know it when the energy resources in the entire universe are eventually used and lost to the disorder of thermodynamics (Jha, 2013). This is why a barrel of oil can only be used only once as a fuel source. We cannot recycle high-quality energy resources because the energy is transferred to heat efficiently in the process of burning, and will begin its process of increasing random inefficiency. There is no oil left to recycle after the oil has been burned, and the energy exists elsewhere in the system.