The making of a good team is one of the most essential things a Project Manager can do to accomplish a successful project. With a good attitude about it, a team can overcome almost any difficulty to achieve its goals and objectives. In many projects, there will be times when it is only the willpower of the team can overcome the struggles and carry the project through to success. Even when pressure is not inflicted, the team’s spirit and gusto will be seen in the status of the solution and the degree to which other people buy-in to it.

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Team-based environment describes the process for teaching and development of people in a place of work. It is a set of principles that are developed, and the routines embedded into the daily processes of a work team such a way that team members continue to learn and develop (Gray & Media, 2014). Developmental activities are normally conducted in an inconsistent manner. In an organization, where team-based environment is the norm, everyone on the team takes part in the progressive activities on a regular basis (Gray & Media, 2014). This is because the activities give off other benefits that stimulate the team to use them. The team does not only develop its people but also its functions (Gray & Media, 2014).

In an environment where team-based methodology is employed, not everyone has the skill sets and that there are many parts to the project. The members in the team are able to do particular parts of the project while also repeating to the team members, who do not have the special skill sets that are required to get the project done how to get those skill sets (Gray & Media, 2014). Therefore, it is learning while, at the same time, it gets the work done. Moreover, a team based environment can be regarded as a form of peer-based learning while the work continues to be done (Wallace, 2014). The team members who do not have some skill sets needed to complete the project will be directed to another area of the project. In an environment where team-based methodology is employed, everyone is good for something (Wallace, 2014).

The team requires planning for an open forum where all the workers in the organization are involved. All levels of the organization are included, meaning that even the top executive manager is invited to the meeting as it involves the company as a whole. In this meeting, the communication team gets a chance to explain assertively how the whole concept of team based working goes on. The elaboration is done through various methods (Wallace, 2014). The employees are given examples of very successful companies that have implemented team building and thus have ended up taking up major positions in the industry. The assertiveness is to portray the strong belief the team has in the policy being implemented.

The members of the organization are given hope and faith in the mode of team based working environment by the fact that it has been implemented in other organizations and proved to be successful (Fisher & Belgard, 1995). The illustration of the benefit of a team based environment can be shown on another level by using the organization as a model. The team should highlight the areas weakened by lack of experience of workers and the overall effect it would have should the work be done by a team (Fisher & Belgard, 1995). Another area that should be referred to is the way the company can improve the quality of work done.

The communication team should take time to explain clearly, step by step how the new model of operation will be implemented and how it will function (Fisher & Belgard, 1995). Helping the people understand the importance of working as a team makes it simpler for them to agree to the changes, take them positively and adjust to the wanted changes. Moreover, the communication team may give a chance to the people present in the forum to air their views and suggestions on how they would like the concept to be introduced to their current policy (Fisher & Belgard, 1995).

Furthermore, the team should take all suggestions positively and thus will create confidence and foster better communication with the other employees (Fisher & Belgard, 1995). However, only the suggestions which are in line with the company’s policy and are helpful can be used. The team should be open, friendly so as to establish trust and thus show the other members that they are on the same team and prevent rebellion (Fisher & Belgard, 1995).

The team should give as much information as possible, give clear guidelines on how the team based environment will function and the role of each and every member in the organization. During this session, the employees are encouraged to air their fears and contribute to making the transition to the team based environment smoother (Fisher & Belgard, 1995). Availability of answers to the questions posed by the other employees and relevant examples to back up the answers raises the credibility of the team’s knowledge on the matter (Fisher & Belgard, 1995). Preparation before the presentation day gives the team adequate knowledge to deal with any question posed to them.

When dealing with difficulty posed questions, the first step that one should take is to identify the person who has asked the question. Secondly, one should think ahead about the question the person is likely to ask you, the context you will meet the potentially intimidating person and why their question seems to make you nervous (Fisher & Belgard, 1995). Therefore, having adequate knowledge of the topic question will help alleviate the potential for a question to appear difficult. Finally, confidence is necessary when facing a full house. Your level of confidence helps in assessing how much you believe in the notion you are introducing. Therefore, high level of confidence will showcase trust and commitment to the new policy to be put in place (Fisher & Belgard, 1995).

In conclusion, the manner of presentation determines wholly how the other employees perceive it. Should the communication team showcase total belief in the success of the team based methodology, then it follows that other members of the organization will take it seriously and follow it too.