When did you discover being a lesbian, do you consider it to be a challenging moment of your life? How did your friends and parents react to the fact of your coming-out?
Discovering your homosexuality was not an easy thing. First, I shall mention that I had boyfriends before. But every time I felt that there was something wrong going on. So, when I went for student exchange abroad last year, I had a crush on a girl who was a lesbian. And then in a new social environment I had a chance to discover a different part of myself. Regarding parents, oh well, I didn’t manage to tell them at once as they are quite religious. It took me some months before I made it and then surprisingly they accepted my the way I was. And my friends had no problem with the fact of me being a lesbian as they come from the society that values diversity.

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In your opinion, what factors make Lesbianism invisible?
That’s a good question. Unlike many gay people, the way lesbians look and dress do not differ that much from the ordinary heterosexual people. A lot of us would have long hair, wear attractive clothing, and you wouldn’t tell by gestures, too. If we do not want to demonstrate it in from of people, we will make ourselves quite invisible.

Why does society regards lesbians as dangerous people?
I think it has to do with the issue of accepting on a personal level. People are commonly used to heterosexual couples, and the impact of religious organizations makes a negative impact, too. That’s why people think that we might have a significant influence on the decrease of demography and destroy traditional families, which is so far from the reality. Lesbians are in the minority, and that should be remembered.