The formation of the universe to its current state is a difficult topic to understand or explain. Several scientists and religious leaders have come up with multiple theories all in the attempts to unfold and account for the mystery of the origin and the existence of the universe the way it is currently. One such theory is the Big Bang theory which in a nutshell traces the origin of our universe to around 13.7 billion years ago. (Hoyle, Fred, Geoffrey and Jayant 59).The evidence supporting the theory and its ideas is quite extensive and mostly convincing, and it is that fact that makes a large number of cosmologists and theoretical physicists accept and endorse it.

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According to the universe-pervading cosmic microwave background radiation, it is evident that there is no proof of any objects older than 13.7 billion years which strongly suggests that that is when the universe came into being (Turner and Michael 47). One astrophysicist from the University of California, the evidence put the Big Bang theory on a foundation that is extremely active and made the theory an enormous success in the attempts to explain the origin of the universe. These arguments at first sight are convincing.

However, several other scientists and cosmologists have gone on to look at it carefully and with more intent and eventually found some flaws in the theory. According to Geoff Haselhurst (114), the Big Bang theory has not been able to reply to some of the fundamentals challenging it and these challenges are easily solved through the simplest explanation of the reality of the physical state of the universe. The description of physical reality can follow the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) in Space. The solutions found through the Wave Structure Matter then deduce that the finite spherical universe, therefore, exists within infinite, eternal space.

In his search for evidence of the existence of reality, Haselhurst posed some fundamental challenges that the Big Bang theory fails to answer while simple fact does. For example, in the theory, the motion of matter does not recede and instead, the approach uses the expansion of space to explain the red shift with distance, thus arguing that wavelength of light is longer due to the expansion of space. Clearly, this argument is contrary to the Doppler Effects of receding motion which is used in the theory since the Doppler Effect is about the motion of matter in space not movement or expansion of space itself (Van & Tom, 45). This argument also basically assumes that space is absolute and can expand while other physics areas including electromagnetic waves claim that there exists no absolute space and all motion is related to matter and not space.

The primary observation of Haselhurst was that the Big Bang theory is founded on purely theoretical ideas and the proponents of the theory use different concepts to explain different phenomena. The shortcoming with this is that some the concepts employed by the same cosmologists disagree and contradict each other. Some concepts of the big bang theory are not cosmic concepts such as infinite energy and densities are a mathematical concept thus cannot be used to explain the cosmic origin of the universe. Moreover, in Wave Structure of Matter, the red shift with distance deduction is due to decreased interactions of waves and distance and. Therefore, there should be no need to use the Doppler Effect as they have done.

Another view that does not support the big bang theory but reality is the fact that physicists have admitted that the universe is immaterial, spiritual and mental. The scientists accept that consciousness can create reality. In the Quantum theory originated by Max Plank, conscious knowledge is fundamentally regarded, and plank regards matter as a derivative from the consciousness (Friederich and Simon 23). Similarly, R.C. Henry, a physics and astronomy professor at Johns Hopkins University pointed out that as observers, individual are capable of creating their reality of the universe. The quantum theory views the world as a mental construction and. Therefore, it is deduced that every person can have their reality foundation of the origin and existence of the universe.

According to Sir James Jean, there is a stream of knowledge which heads towards a non-mechanical reality. The pioneering physicist argued that the world is looking more like a thought and not like a great machine. Henry then conclusively puts it that we have to get over theories and accept the inarguable conclusion that our universe is spiritual, mental and immaterial. Thus, according to the Quantum theory, the reality of the universe and its origin may be different from every individual in the frame of an observer and this fact solely depends on how the individual views and perceives the world to be.

Moreover, the big bang theory in its standards supports and satisfies the religious theories of creation of the universe. The argument goes to 13.7 billion years back to get the origin of the universe (Arp, Halton, Roy and Konrad 77). What the theory fails to outline is the source origin of the light, space and matter that was there at the beginning of the world. Thus according to Pope Pius XII, the theory cannot challenge. Instead, it bears witness to the religious quote “Let there be light” which according to the religious doctrine of creation which dates back to the creation of the universe. The philosophers and scientists who are proponents of such theories as the big bang theory were said to be religious, and according to Nietzsche, that is the reason their scientific work is under the influence by religion.

In conclusion, the reality of the origin and existence of the universe and the big bang theory of the creation of the universe do not agree with every concept. The theory fails to solve the contradictions within its ideological foundation as well as some of the challenges that by other theories pose, including the quantum theory and the religious theories of creation. However, without a critical view of the foundation, the big bang theory can be very convincing. Based on the other ideas, the reality of the universe can have a foundation in personal observation and consciousness as well as the perception of the world as it is currently.

  • Arp, Halton C., C. Roy Keys, and Konrad Rudnicki, eds. Progress in new cosmologies: beyond the big bang. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.
  • Friederich, Simon. “Quantum Theory and ‘Reality’.” Interpreting Quantum Theory. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015. 157-167.
  • Hoyle, Fred, Geoffrey Burbidge, and Jayant Vishnu Narlikar. A different approach to cosmology: from a static universe through the big bang towards reality. Cambridge University Press, 2000.
  • Turner, Michael S. “Origin of the Universe.” Scientific American 22 (2013): 36-43.
  • Van Flandern, Tom. “The Top 30 Problems with the Big Bang.”(2002)