Effective utilization of online marketing strategies will boost sales and gain loyal customers. It is very important to not only have a very visible presence in all the social networking sites, but also to maintain a website and blog exclusively for Ciroc Vodka. Diageo, our parent company, currently has a great website which indicates all the companies under it. It also provides links to background information, history, and distributors. Ciroc has a similar website which exemplifies the luxurious vodka offered. It also shows the company’s partnership with The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility.

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The primary initiative of the online marketing efforts will be to utilize search engine optimization through key words within our website and social media pages as well as advertisements that will pop up automatically depending on what consumers or vendors are searching for. By keeping a blog on our website of various drinks that can be made with Ciroc vodka as well as functions which are being at least in part sponsored by Ciroc or Diageo, we will receive more traffic to our page. The key to effective online marketing is to gain as many partners and ambassadors as possible. The idea is to have as much traffic to our efforts as possible. By endorsing others, they will in turn endorse us. As we already have many high-profile celebrities as endorsers, such as Sean Combs, who presently directs fans to our products and webpages, we may be able to attain more ambassadors and partners to utilize their names and stories to gain traffic to our website as well. It is also imperative that we utilize online marketing through games and applications on smart phones.

Traditional online marketing and stagnant web pages are not as effective as websites and online marketing efforts that are continuously growing, changing, and interactive (Baena). The use of an up to day, easy to use website with a blog, interactive social media pages, advertisements during online games, and search engine optimization will set Ciroc as well as Diageo ahead of the rest of the companies in this field. Furthermore, engaging with our potential and existing customers through these online methods will develop loyalty and growth within the company (Murphy, 2010). Ciroc has also recently made sponsorships in the NBA and is partnering with Uber. These are also great sources of partnership for our internet marketing efforts.


  • Baena, V. (2016). Online and mobile marketing strategies as drivers of brand love in sports teams: Findings from real madrid. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 17(3), 202-218. doi:10.1108/IJSMS-08-2016-015

  • Murphy, H. C. (2010). Cult of analytics, driving online marketing strategies using web analytics — steve jackson. International Journal of Market Research, 52(6), 842. doi:10.2501/S1470785310201685\