Innovations refer to the process of coming up with new methods of performing various operations within various environments. The most notable type of innovation is a technological innovation which has affected the various field of human life. Most notably, technological effects are felt in the business industry where managers have used technology to make work easy and effective. This paper is a discussion of innovation by answering different questions on innovation management and developments.
Technology is an actor in the society in various ways. Technology functions in all societies by shaping people’s lives across various platforms. For example, by using technology, people within the society improve their knowledge banks by learning about various changes that take place within the society. They learn how to acquire business opportunities and how the opportunities might improve their living standards. Technology also functions in ensuring that people are connected from the various corners of the globe. It brings people from different cultures together and makes them form a common cultural background that fits them all (Tella, Pizarro, & Daim, 2014). Technology acts as an actor in the society by the fact that it drives business transactions within the society. Business owners use technology to achieve operations such as marketing, market entry processes and strategies and consumer satisfaction. Technology also improves business operations by increasing research and development within the business sectors as well as improving production rates. Technological innovations also work by making work easier for employees actors various platforms. It also functions in simplifying the lives of the people who are not involved in business endeavors. People use technological advancement in making simpler, easier and satisfactory moves such as purchasing goods and services online, making payments at the comfort of their homes among other things. Every technological advancement in any society occurs according to technological dynamics which suites the needs of every person in every sector of the society (Manish, 2014).

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Some of the key pitfalls for businesses that focus on technological innovations include the failure to test drive the technological advancement before implementing them. Such failures make it impossible for management within the firm to know of the short comings that such technology might present for their daily operations. They also fail to focus objectively on the probable failure of the given technology in the business environment. Another pitfall is that most managers in the organizations do not conduct proper research about the technological innovations and its effects on the general operations of the business (Arthur, 2012). Finally, failure to educate internal stakeholders about the intended technological innovations also leads to disadvantages of the inability to use such technology due to lack of proper knowledge. Sometimes, businesses can be too focused on technological advancement at the expenses of its impact on the business operations.

Technological innovations relate to organizational learning by enabling the members, stakeholders, employees, and other people within the organization to acquire different knowledge and skills based on their needs and qualifications. For example, managers will use technological advancement to ensure that they acquire training that is tailor made to meet managerial requirements (Hu, 2014). Those involved in research, development, and strategic planning within the organization are also capable of using technology to receive the precise knowledge that enables them to meet the requirements within their departments. Technological innovations also relate to organizational learning by exposing all the stakeholders within the firm to current and ongoing changes within their sector. By using technology, the people can know of the emerging trends of operations within the industry and how their competitors are using such trends to improve their operations.

Technological innovations make it possible for people within any organization to know and learn about different business models and how they can apply such models in their daily business operations to succeed. Organizations also apply the use of advancement in technology to come up with new strategies for operating within their firms (Birnberg & Sisaye, 2012). Technological advancement has made it possible for top performing business companies to achieve constant competitive advantages among other within the same sectors. Through technological innovations, business organizations have formulated methods of meeting requirement such as customer satisfaction through the provision of high-quality services that meets the demands and needs of clients. They have also used such advancement in ensuring the production of high-quality goods and service for use by their customers. Some of the methods used within the organizations change from time to time as clients also become more sophisticated. Therefore, many firms use technological innovations such as Smartphone, laptops, computers and other devices to learn about the changing needs of their clients and the requirement within the sector to make it possible for them to keep in touch with the changing needs within the firms.

The most effective ways to communicate to internal stakeholders about technological innovation is through face to face meetings. Such one to one meeting with internal stakeholders makes it possible for technological innovators to explain any upcoming technological developments within the organizations succinctly. Such forums also make it possible for innovators to be able to respond to all questions posed by internal stakeholders. They will also be able to iron out any looming misunderstanding and iron out all possible differences that might derail the achievement of technological advancement (Burton & Ramiller, 1997). During such meetings, innovators will take the advantages to practically demonstrate the advantages of technological innovations to the stakeholders and teach them on how to use the advancement in prospering daily business operations of the firm.

A professional presentation used to inform internal stakeholders of the intended technological innovations I the firm included the shift from using common research method and strategies to that of technology as a tool to aid and make such operations quick (Rogers, 1976). Most stakeholders raised the questions concerning communicating results to various department and branches across the nation, others were concerned about the validity of such results and how the research team would handle possible technological failures. The management came up with the strategy of using questionnaires to find out the thoughts and views of their internal stakeholders about the intended technological innovations for the company. Before that, they were briefed about the innovations and how it would impact the general performances of the business, finally, a meeting was held to educate the stakeholders more on the nature of the innovations, its effect on the business environment, and the alternative means that the team had in place to counter technological failures (Estrin, 2009).

The presentation was organization through a collaboration of various representatives from various departments within the organization. The presenters employed the use of flow charts, explanations, and use of practical examples of how the use of the intended technology had impacted business in organizations dealing with similar products within the same sector (Christensen, 2003). It was paramount to educate the internal stakeholders of the benefits of the technology by giving them real-life examples from companies they knew and had interacted with to aid them in a proper understanding of the moves. At some point in the process of the technological development, it was important to organize a trip for the stakeholders to one of the firms who had achieved success by using similar technological innovation to provide them with the opportunity to have practical experiences of how the technology is used (Carrier, 2012).

  • Arthur, T. (2014). Social influences on information and communication technology innovations. New York: IGI Global
  • Birnberg, J.& Sisaye, S. (2012). An organizational learning approach to process innovations: The extent and scope of diffusion and adoption in management accounting systems. New York, NY: emerald Publishing
  • Burton Swanson, E., & Ramiller, N. (1997). The organizing vision in information systems innovation. Organization Science, 8, 458-474.
  • Carrier, M. (2012). Innovations for the 21st century. Belmont: Cengage Learning
  • Christensen, M. (2003). The innovator’s dilemma: The revolutionary book that will change the way you do business. Boston: Collins Business.
  • Estrin, J. (2009). Closing the innovation gap. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Hu, B. (2014). Linking business models with technological innovations. New York, NY: Science Direct
  • Manish, W. (2014). Technology, innovation, and enterprise transformation. New York, IGI Global
  • Rogers, E. M. (1976). New product adoption and diffusion. Journal of Consumer Research, 2(4), 290-301.
  • Tella, R., Pizarro, M. & Daim, T. (2014). Planning and road mapping technological innovations: cases and tools. New York: Springer