Samples "Innovation" (Page 5)


How to Get Your Ideas to Spread

In the video “How to Get Your Ideas to Spread” the speaker Seth Godin discusses the importance of getting ideas to spread (Godin, 2003). The first way in which he communicates this idea is through the basic example of sliced bread. This idea, which is a staple today, was a...

373 words | 3 page(s)
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Evidence Based Practice Proposal

In the hospital setting, evidence based practice was recognized as needing to be implemented in relation to the hospital’s adoption of new surgical site measures that should be instituted before and following colorectal surgery. Of course, a multitude of change models exist through which such an innovation could be implemented,...

674 words | 3 page(s)
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Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Scholars agree that innovation dynamics differ depending on the characteristics of a firm. This paper discusses how the ability of firms to innovate depends on their size as well age. The size of the company affects its ability to innovate. In particular, Day & Schoemaker (2005) observe that start-ups are...

462 words | 3 page(s)
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Self-analysis of Innovation and Leadership

AbstractLeadership is a term used to describe the best management style. Individuals have elicited various ways to display leadership in the past, which to a large majority seems like exemplary power. However, as seen in the paper, leadership does not require special skills but rather knowledge, empathy and a strong...

1491 words | 6 page(s)
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Disruptive Innovation Assignment

Disruptive innovations provide solutions with positive or negative consequences to complex problems in a manner that is more cost-effective and efficient (Chase & Pruitt, 2006). Unfortunately, not everybody embraces disruptive innovations. Such innovations challenge the usual way of doing things, resulting in resistance by stakeholders who would prefer to continue...

919 words | 4 page(s)
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