Logic can be defined as a reasonable way of understanding something. In the philosophy field, logic is an instrument for developing sensible conclusions centered on a set of indicators given. Therefore, logic entails reviewing correct and incorrect reasoning in order to appreciate what classifies good as good and bad as bad. An understanding of human actions allows one to avoid making errors and aids in better evaluation of other people’s reasoning. Such appreciation helps people be better philosophers. A human error is any unintended decision or action while a computer error is any such occurrence of a wrong result by any computer. In this paper, I examine the ways logic can be used to avoid computer and human error.
Ways logic can be used to avoid human error
With logic, scrutinizing every premise of every argument is the best place to begin if one is to avoid human error. Numerous kinds of possible problems exist with premises. The obvious one being that any premise might be erroneous. Another kind of such premise fault occurs if one or several premises are an unnecessary assumption. The best method of determining this problem of exhausting an assumption as a premise is by cautiously identifying and disclosing such assumptions from the start. These arguments are frequently termed hypothetical or introduced with statements like “Let us assume for this argument’s sake.”

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By a person listing their main ideas and evidence thereto helps them see their claims besides realizing such evidence is either good or not for the particular claim. It might aid the person to look out more analytically at the evidence they are using, thus, learning which kinds of logical fallacies one is particularly prone to, as well as being careful to look out for them in their works. Most humans make loads of appeal to experts while the rest are expected to depend more on such weak similarities or even setting up strewing men.

Reading over particular personal old documents is a logical way of understanding particular kinds of fallacies one needs to look out for, thus, helps in avoiding human error. Being mindful that the broad privileges require more evidence than narrow ones is a logical way that helps avoid human error. To be certain of fairness and accuracy, humans should engage in double checking their descriptions of other people, mainly their opponents, if they are to evade mistakes.

Ways logic can be used to avoid computer errors
Since a program successfully runs with no clear indication of error normally existing or showing, logical errors ordinarily end up being the most difficult error to discover and repair. In other words, a computer program will basically not produce accurate answers though properly running. Logical errors commonly result from a combination of causes to include; a person not understanding how a particular program is meant to perform, understanding the conduct of every operation written into such program or even just being careless.

In every attempt to avoid logical mistakes, a person must unconditionally make certain that they appreciate how such a program is meant to work, understand the conduct of each operation the person writes into their program, avoid carelessness and implement testing practices. Devising a strategy for testing aids in covering all possible error scenarios.

In conclusion, it is never a trivial task to try to identify the inconsistencies in data that sometimes appear in computer systems; taking into account the point that human beings make mistakes all the time. Inconsistencies and logical errors should be identified and flagged off.