Education is a powerful tool towards the improvement of the quality of life in the society. This is because education gives the learners the skills and knowledge that assist them to enhance various of their life that are elemental towards the progressive efforts of personal and professional development. There are various strategies that are used in the work today towards the delivery and administration of education. However, these strategies are subjected to continuous scrutiny due to an increase in the needs and expectations of people in the society and the progressive interests inspired by the change of social and cultural dynamics across the world. To increase the quality of education, there are various realistic approaches and measures that must be embraced to inspire the expected improvement. The paper is an annotated bibliography of resources with effective strategies that can be embraced towards the improvement of the quality of education. Felder, Richard & Brent Rebecca. How to Improve Teaching Quality. Quality Management Journal, 6(2), 9-21 (2009). Web.
In the article, Brent and Felder contend that improving the quality of teaching is one of the realistic approaches that can be embraced towards the improvement of the quality of education. The authors indicate that this can be achieved through continuous assessment and evaluation of the existing teaching strategies to identify any flaws and assist towards the development of corrective measures. The use of quality coordinators in the learning institutions is also an essential tool towards ensuring that the required quality standards in the teaching entity are achieved. The authors also contend that there is an urgent need for the instructors to embrace positive attitudes towards the teaching mechanisms through striving to have the required skills and knowledge to meet the instructional standards of the progressively evolving education sector. The use of active learning strategies is one of the approaches that can also be used towards the quality improvement prospect because it inspires the ability of both the teachers and the learners committing their efforts towards improving the education quality. The article also emphasizes o the need to use collaborative strategies towards the education delivery entity to promote the participation of all stakeholders I the delivery of educational services. Both Felder and Brent are scholars and educators in the North Carolina State University, and they have been engaged in authoring various publications and articles in the education industry. The article is published in The Quality Improvement Journal, which is a manifestation of the quality and credibility of the journal and its suitability towards any as a research activity.
Petrovich, Janice. Strategies for Improving Public Education. Ford Education Foundation Report. 123(2). 2008. Web.
The author of the article points out that public education is exposed to various risks that reduce the quality of education that is administered to the learners. It is important to assess the main causes of the reduced quality of education and the factors that lead to the deterioration of the education standards in order to formulate and implement appropriate corrective mechanisms towards the improvement of the quality of education. The authors point out the aspects of leadership improvement and the development of curriculum as the factors that reduce the quality of education. The administrators and managers of the public education systems need to embrace good leader as a good approach towards the improvement of the quality of education. This can be through inspiring a positive cultural transformation in the sector to increase the obligation of all stakeholders towards improving the quality of education. This can also be achieved by the leaders triggering a change in the policies and guidelines that govern the educational system to have high levels of inclusion and modern teaching mechanisms to improve the quality of education. The leaders must also formulate and implement appropriate motivational schemes for all the instructors to assist them embrace continuous educational and professional development that is an important aspect of quality improvement. The involvement of the community is also essential towards the formulation of initiatives that can propel the public education sector. The improvement and continuous revision of the curriculum can also assist in improving the quality of education. This is because this can assist in customizing the educational programs to the current and future societal needs and expectations. Therefore, the inspiration for massive reforms in the education sector is important towards the formation of an aggressive improvement scheme. The article, Janice Petrovich, is a prolific researcher and educational specialist with various publication and reviews. The article is also publicized by a leading global academic foundation and increasing its levels of reliability in academic activities.
Fernando, Padro. Quality Approaches in Higher Education: Enhancing Student Learning. The Journal for quality and Participation. 1(1): 2010. Web.
The author emphasizes the need to enhance student learning as a powerful tool towards improving the quality of education in institutions of higher learning. The author argues that high levels of flexibility and resilience are essential towards enhancing the ability of the institution of higher learning keeping pace with the development of the education sector. This is because the flexibility can assist the ability of these learning institution adopting positive changes that are aimed at improving the quality of education. This can also reduce the risks that may associated with any planned changes in the alarming institutions and enhance learning output mechanisms. The author also looks at the need to embrace autonomy and academic identity towards the strategic plan that can promote the quality of education. This can assist in the collection of the views and opinions of all stakeholders within the institutions to assist in adopting high-quality decisions that are elemental towards academic program improvement. The need to create independent entities within the academic circles to assist in the evaluation and collection of views from all stakeholder is essential towards the formulation of comprehensive quality improvement mechanisms. These entities can also assist in the evaluation of success that can assist the learning institutions to maintain focus on the best practices that are aimed at improving the quality of education. The expansion of educations programs to reflect the needs of the current educational prerequisites are also essential constructs of quality improvement. The article is publicized by an academic journal that indicates the aptness of the resource towards academic research.
Chapman, Wedman & Cohen, Mercer. The Search for Quality: A Five Country Study of National Strategies to Improve Educational Quality. International Journal of Educational Development. 25(5): 514-30. Web.
The article has a wide perspective towards the improvement of the quality of education because it has a global view of the common challenging affecting the sector. The authors point out the need for strategic communication and policy development as important entities towards educational quality improvement. To improve the quality of education, sufficient collaboration through communication must be instituted in the world. The need to have good and permanent communication channels with appropriate feedback mechanisms is an important undertaking that can assist in the ultimate improvement of the quality of education. This can promote the level of interprofessional collaboration that promotes the level of sharing of educational and academic information and resources. It is also important to enhance inclusivity for his minorities in the education system through special considerations to promote their participation in essential educational activities. The authors of the article have outstanding records from their academic and professional backgrounds and their engagement in writing publications in peer-reviewed journals. The article is published in an academic journal enhancing its credibility for its intended academic audience.

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  • Chapman, Wedman & Cohen, Mercer. The Search for Quality: A Five Country Study of National Strategies to Improve Educational Quality. International Journal of Educational Development. 25(5): 514-30. Web.
  • Felder, Richard & Brent Rebecca. How to Improve Teaching Quality. Quality Management Journal, 6(2), 9-21 (2009). Web.
  • Fernado, Padro. Quality Approaches in Higher Education: Enhancing Student learning. The Journal for quality and Participation. 1(1): 2010. Web.
  • Petrivich, Janice. Strategies for Improving Public Education. Ford Education Foundation Report. 123(2). 2008. Web..