Through lectures, discussions, simulations and demonstrations, among other forms of instruction, teachers help and guide students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills as well as gain in-depth understanding of educational content, augmented by personal study. Personal study especially in locales such as libraries, which promote student isolation, provide students with more time for understanding content taught by teachers. However, students are not only guided towards transfer or practical application of the skills and knowledge that they acquire but also to come up with new knowledge, resulting from the already acquired knowledge. Basically, creation of new knowledge requires collaborative dialogue, discussions, debates and active questioning, among other ways of understanding, synthesis, generation and improvement of ideas, in a group. This implies that student isolation, especially in the libraries, discourages the creation of new knowledge, especially since isolation does not encourage interaction, while the setting provides a good environment for learning.
The library represents the intellectual community with regards to authors’ contributions in books and journals, among other publications. As such, students can work together to build new knowledge by individually reading various publications on a topic, writing and comparing notes and meeting later to discuss the topic. The process should include active involvement of various members of a group who create new knowledge by discussing/debating a topic where each provides his/her own viewpoint leading to generation of new ideas. With knowledge creation acting as a vital component which demonstrates student understanding and application of acquired knowledge in real-life situations, one possible outcome of isolation is that the student may end up having old knowledge that cannot be used. From a school-wide perspective, isolation would lead to intellectual stagnation as students would only focus on retaining information without processing it. Moreover, contributions of students in lectures will resemble rehearsal meetings where general ideas and concepts read in books will be presented to instructors which will signify lack of new ideas and poor learning.
To conclude the observation as the library, in the context of community, diversity and the individual, it is apparent that it is the domain of individualism. Individualism, on the other hand, encourages student isolation which discourages the creation of new knowledge due to lack of active interaction on education topics where novel ideas can be generated. This can lead students to retain old unusable knowledge as well as intellectual stagnation which represent poor learning. Specifically however, individualism allows isolationism to be a choice, which is less acceptable in other areas of campus life. This may be why individuals visited more frequently than groups. This raises the question on whether university life caters sufficiently for internal personalities, because the library could be seen as a place for escape. Therefore, in the communication of diversity there needs to be consideration of this personality type in university life.