Imperialism is a concept which refers to the general practice where state powers use various means and strategies in order to exert their control and influence over territories beyond their borders, hence enhancing their overall power as international actors among other countries. Historically, colonialism has been the most widely used vehicle through which power has been exported to foreign regions.

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Today, however, imperialism usually takes on a cultural dimension, in the sense that countries use ideology and propaganda in order to exert influence over foreign publics. Nonetheless, certain countries such as the United States still exert imperialism in its classical form, mainly thanks to the many military bases and operations that are maintained all over the world, as part of the country’s overall effort to maintain an international (or imperial) presence.

Industrialism is a system which is primarily based on industrial manufacturing. In other words, the industrial activities within the system provide the economic and political foundation for the country’s society. In most cases, this means that countries will take advantage of the various resources that are at their disposal in order to develop their power and influence.
These resources are then used in order to gain economic leverage through extensive manufacturing. It also means that the country’s policies are likely oriented towards being in favor of industrial practices, even if they involve negative effects such as pollution or environmental waste.

Colonialism is a practice in which countries engage in creating colonies in foreign territories. This type of practice was most practiced when the majority of the world was undiscovered by the European civilization, and when many major European powers used colonial outposts in order to exploit the people and resources of foreign and less-developed populations.

Today, colonialism is not something that is approved by any country or the international community, because it would represent a direct violation of countries’ sovereignties and established borders. However, colonialism played a formative role in the development of many third-world nations, and many of them are still experiencing the remnants of their colonial age.

Constitutionalism refers to a political system which primarily focuses on adhering to its constitution. Consequently, it means that all political decisions, laws, and norms are dictated by what is written in the constitution, as it provides a foundation to the complete political, economic, and social system of a country.

The main advantage of constitutionalism is that it is more effective than other systems in preventing breaches of power, authority, and other limits that are dictated by the constitution. Therefore, it allows for laws and principles to be maintained consistently and uniformly across society. The United States is an example of a country that is bound by institutionalism, as the American Constitution represents a document that is of paramount political importance, and which dictates all other political and social behaviors within the country.

Militarism denotes an ideology which places primary emphasis on military power as a means of achieving, maintaining, and securing power. A militarist government will be one that is readily making use of its military forces in other to achieve the national goals. In other words, the military is seen as an essential instrument in pushing forward political agendas and continuing the progress of a country.

While militarism means that a country will readily use violence to defend itself or achieve its interests, it also means that it will readily engage in aggressive behavior towards other actors, if such an action is deemed to be in the country’s best interest. Therefore, a militarist country would be in complete contrast to a country that is focused on diplomacy and soft power.