Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) is an agreement between nations based certain conditions and formalities with desired goal for the benefit of all parties or nations involved. The formation of IGO was based on common interests between the nations, and its main presuppositions emphasized on conflict resolution, international cooperation, and promotion of human rights, social development and humanitarian assistance among other good-willed activities for the member states. On the other hand, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are nonprofit, philanthropic, self-based organization based human rights advocacy. These are composed of groups of people who have specific frameworks of realizing their objectives without the influence of the government. These organizations work within the principles of social movements.

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Tragedy of the commons denotes an economic theory that describes the possible outcomes of the activities of self-interested people within the community. The actions are linked with personal and independent decisions that degrade the opportunities that may exist in given resources for the entire group. The theory is linked to the impact of overexploitation of resources triggered by self-interests of the people within the community. Such activities hinder the possibility of realizing the community long term benefits. The adherence to the claims of the theory are connected top realization of sustainable development, environmental protection and meshing economic growth. The impact of the knowledge on the tragedy of the commons helps in the behavior in the fields of evolutionary, psychology, anthropology game theories, taxation and other economically linked fields.

Human rights are moral principles that outline given values and standards of human behavior. These are rights which are legally accepted within the international and national laws. These rights are inherent for every human being without any barrier of ethnicity or nationality. They are unassailable fundamental rights to an individual. The human rights are universal to every person and are recognized by all nations, regions, communities and societies. They are also the same for everyone that is to indicate that there exists no instances where human rights are measures in intensity and conditions considered differently. The rules of human rights have played significant roles in the shaping the international, regional or local laws on policies emulated in institutions of laws. They are egalitarian in dimension, means and intensity.

Supernational governance is the case where the economic resources in a given region are regulated on production, supply and consumption. In my opinion, I would not accept this approach as the benefits accrued are linked to the nation that governs the economy. The capitals that are derived from the economic activities are seen to be for the nation in active participation of the economy. The knowledge on the economy and the factors of growth of the economy is not easily understood as the two, nation and capital are seen as partners. The expansion of the markets in the supranational governance challenges the traditional national boundaries and the production of profits in the associated firms.

Economic nationalism involves the efforts by a country to control her economy by reducing the number of imports and investments from countries outside their territories. This provides policies which control the given economy internally on labor, capital and other economic functions and cultures. The restrictions put control the movement of labor, capital and other economic resources to or from other countries. These oppose the principles of economic internationalism which advocates for economic cooperation between nations. Economic internationalism seeks to encourage the transfer of labor, capital and other economic resources between countries. Economic structuralism defines the conditions of the structure of the economy being handled in the case of determining which economic approach to use in the given country. The structural features of the economy are to be understood and analyzed properly before any decision is made.