In chapter one, there were eight topics to chose from. Of these eight topics, I have chosen two and those include; goal orientation and communication pattern. Both of these topics play an important role in human resource management and the individuals who are part of the human resource management. There can be both positive and negative effects of goal orientation and communication patterns that can either be a good thing or a bad thing. However, whether or not it is a good or bad thing, depends on the situation and the individual that is having a part of both topics.
According to Tyler Lacoma, “Goal orientation describes the actions of people and organizations regarding their primary aims.” (Lacoma, n.d.). Two positive effects of the topic of goal orientation is that, by having goal orientations, this will help the individual set their goal in hopes of reaching that goal in the best way possible. Goal orientation plays an important role in human resources management because without any goal orientation, and an individual or business will not be organized or know what goals need to be reached to be successful. According to Tara Duggan, “communicating effectively in a clear, concise and accurate manner takes significant effort.” (Duggan, n.d.). Two positive effects of communication patterns include, every individual knowing what is expected and communicating with others to get something completed as required.

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Two challenges of goal orientation is those individuals who do not keep goals for themselves or others and the challenge of completing that goal if he or she has no goals for themselves. Two challenges of communication patterns is those who do not communicate as they should and those who try to communicate but others not willing to do the same.

Goal orientation in the public sector plays an important role in human resources management because without any goal orientation, and an individual or business will not be organized or know what goals need to be reached to be successful. According to Eric Anderman, “Goal orientation theory is a social-cognitive theory of achievement motivation.” (Anderman, 2015). Two positive effects of communication patterns include, every individual knowing what is expected and communicating with others to get something completed as required. Two challenges of goal orientation is that those individuals who do not keep goals for themselves or others and the challenges of completing that goal if he or she has no goals for themselves. Two challenges of communication patterns is those who do not communicate as they should and those who try to communicate but others not willing to do the same.

Communication pattern plays a large role in the public sector and is important and should be taken into consideration in the public sector. According to Eryn Travis, “Effective communication skills are critical for those seeking success in public relations or marketing.” (Travis, n.d.). Without any form of communication in the public, an individual would not have any idea of how important communication patterns are in public. These patterns vary in form and is based on the individuals’ thought process and their communication skills. According to Nicole Papa, “Communication is a complex process of exchanging messages through words, symbols, expressions and body language.” (Papa, n.d.). This being said communication and goal orientation are both important when it comes to the public sector.

According to InfoPlease, A current event that has happened recently is, a “gunman who opened fire at an Oregon Community College that killed seven and then killed himself.” (InfoPlease, 2015). This event seemed to be caused by the government themselves and their laws on gun control, there has been another college shooting since this one occurred and once again this is due to the government’s gun laws. Two results of this issue is that there will be stricter gun control rules put in place and there will also be more rules put in place on the selling and distribution of guns to attempt to avoid anything like this again.

  • Lacoma, T. (n.d.). What is Goal Orientation? Retrieved from
  • Duggan, T. (n.d.). Effective Patterns of Communication. Retrieved from
  • Anderman, E. (2015). Goal Orientation Theory. Retrieved from
  • Travis, E. (n.d.). Effective Communication Skills Used in Public Relations and Marketing. Retrieved from
  • Papa, N. (n.d.). Effective Public Communication. Retrieved from
  • InfoPlease. (2015). October 2015 Current Events: U.S. News. Retrieved from