Human resource management is one of the vital function required by all organizations for smooth running of human resource. Organizations have several departments such as finance, sales and marketing, quality assurance among others. Human resource management is an important aspect for the success of the organization. The paper explains about human resource management, its primary function, and its role in an organization’s strategic plan.

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Human resource management (HRM) is the function or responsibility within an organization that is concerned on the recruitment, management of people and also providing direction to every employee in an organization (Dessler, 2005). The design of human resource management is to ensure employee performance is maximized in line with the organizations employee performance objectives and policies. Humana resource management describes the formal systems devised for managing people in an organization.

Most human resource management activities are carried by the human resource manager whose responsibilities fall into three key categories: employee compensation and benefits, staffing, and designing and defining each employee responsibilities (Mathis, 2005). HRM is concerned with the relative positive performance of every employee in an organization. The needs of employees such as wellness, employee motivation, training, and benefits are catered by the HRM. Similarly, HRM ensures organization development, performance management, communication, administration, and safety for an organization’s employees.

Ideally, human resource management are positioned around the theoretic center of an organization in addition to having access to every business area in the organization (Mathis, 2005). Most human resource management departments are led by managers who are charged with the management of performance, development, and productivity of workers at all levels of the organization hence, human resource personnel are required to have access to key decision makers in the organization.

The structure of the HRM varies from one business to another. Some of the most common determinants of the structure of HRM include size, shape, and the administration philosophies of the organization that they serve (Dessler, 2005). However, several organizations plan the functions of HRM clustered around the individuals to be assisted, conducting recruitments, general office administration, and various other administrative roles in the main office.

The primary function of human resource management is managing people within the organization while focusing on systems and policies. Human resource management ensures that the organization productivity is maximized by optimizing the effectiveness and efficiency of employees. HRM is the organization’s comprehensive and strategic approach to manage people, the culture of the workplace, and the working environment within the organization. An effective human resource management enables an effective and productive contribution of employees to the overall direction and performance of the organization in order to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization (Dessler, 2005).

Even though HRM is transitioning from the traditional administration, and personnel management activities since they are increasingly being outsourced, HRM’s primary function still remains the management of people the organization using the available resources and executing its responsibilities as required. In managing, HRM engages in securing and developing individual employee talents and also implementing initiatives that enhance positive communication and cooperation between the employees and the organization.

Human resource management is vital the execution and accomplishment of an organization’s strategic plan. Essentially, human resource refers to the individuals whose skills, knowledge, and abilities are used to establish and deliver the service and product. The human resource is considered very significant and is the organization’s most important resource (Mathis, 2005). This is because, the organization products and services cannot be managed, created, or delivered without having the people with the right skills and knowledge to use. As far as money and technology are also essential to achieve the organization goals, such resources cannot be put into use without the assistance of the right kind of people.

For effective utilization of the human resource in an organization, there are three sections that need development of plans. The organization human resource management team identifies strategies and plan to attract the right number and types of people, develop skills, abilities, and knowledge among the employees, and strategies to retain employees in the organization. Organizations have strategic plans that are put in place and need to be accomplished (Dessler, 2005). In order to succeed in implementing such strategic plans, organizations requires the right type and amount employee to carry out the required roles. Initially, the human resource management team is the body in the organization that is involved in finding the right type of people within the current market place.

Human resource management has a role of ensuring that every individual employee in the organization needs to be kept current on the technology used and how to interact with it. Organizations are not commonly willing to lose employees who they invested much in training them, hence they can develop and implement effective systems to retain such human resource in order to ensure its strategic plan is line with its goals and objectives (Mathis, 2005). For an organization to achieve its strategic plan, an effective and efficient human resource management is also essential for planning, developing, and administering programs and policies that are designed to make expeditious utilization of an organization’s human resources.

In a nutshell, human resource management is responsible with the recruitment, management of people and also providing direction to every employee in an organization. Its primary function is managing people within the organization while focusing on systems and policies. HRM plays a significant role in an organization’s strategic plan by ensuring that people with the right type of skills are hired and also ensuring that employees acquire the skills and knowledge to drive the organization strategic plan into success.