The African continent has a history of its own. The continent is characterised as the cradle of humankind owing to the discovery of some archaeological sites on the mainland. Fossils belonging to apes dating back to centuries are dominant at different African countries with the eastern African region dominating in the sequence of archaeological sites. Archaeological studies in West African countries like Ghana and Maki dating back to 10000-6,000 BCE revealed characteristics of the Middle Stone Age.

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According to J. Ki-Zerbo, the Middle Stone Age group has the ability of thinking and planning just like the current human race indicating that there might have been some genetic mutation. The Abbasids caliphates succeeded the Umayyads caliphates in the Islamic state in the bloodline of Muhammad. Their culture involved paintings and drawings that replicated those of the Middle Stone Age species. The Old Stone Age dating back to 18 million years indicated the initial production of stone artefacts. The Australopithecus species which falls in the Old Stone Age category was the first hominid to show brain growth was showing some evolving had taken place.

Continued evolving lead to the Homo erectus species that had diverse abilities including making sounds which constituted the language they used to communicate. The Homo sapiens species involves much of the current human species which requires a better thinking capacity than all other species in history. The Neanderthals and the Cro-Magnon in the European continent had almost similar characteristics as the Homo sapiens species.

The mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA in human beings provides evidence to the current world that Africa is the source of the human race. The mitochondrial gene is inherited from one single source and translated over generations. However, the Y chromosome tends to explain mush about the human race lineage as it explains more about the human genes than mtDNA. Exhumed fossils in Africa have provided evidence that the Y chromosome has its origin in Africa.

The Bushmen people in Namibia and great Zimbabwe are a reference to the in the lineage of a human race. Studies involving the Y chromosome with the Bushmen show that they contain the human chromosome of the two earliest branches of the human Y-chromosome tree and also have the same genetics as the earliest species. Therefore, the similarity in the different species over different times indicate some regional continuity all over the African Continent.