Part A
The documentary shows us the angry battle of AIDS activists for their rights and their lives. The film captures protests which took place in the 1980s and 1990s, demonstrating how they progressed over time (and what was achieved on part of the activists). These activists, most of whom belonged to the LGBT community, protested against lack of support from government and the medical industry. As a matter of fact, despite their diagnoses they were rejected by the medical system and told to leave medical facilities on numerous occasions.

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The film was directed by David France for whom the AIDS movement was a deeply person subject; his partner was diagnosed with AIDS and died from an AIDS-related sickness in 1992. Apart from this, the movie captures an important historical period marked with numerous efforts on part of AIDS activists. This included the creation of ACT UP group in 1987 and TAG (Treatment Action Group) organization in 1991. These organizations helped to speed up the government’s reaction to the AIDS epidemic, pushing for more research to be carried out on the HIV virus and potential cures.

Part B
This video is a moving story which tells of suffering, pain, love, affection, mutual support, and rejection. It was difficult to watch, yet enlightening. Furthermore, the documentary shows an excellent example of peaceful protest. Surely one could say that these protests took longer because they were not marked with violence. Yet, they persisted in time, infused with passion and a feeling of belonging on part of the activists. At the end of the day, this is what made these riots successful.
The film portrayed how social change is attained. While it might take a long time, the key is in persisting and not giving up the fight.

Certainly, this documentary shows two battles: a fight for one’s life and a fight for one’s sexual identity. As a matter of fact, the fact that the LGBT community had numerous incidences of AIDS caused the government to ignore this problem. I am convinced that had this problem occurred among the heterosexual, middle-class population, the government’s response would have been much swifter.

Nonetheless, throughout the film it becomes apparent that the United States today has come a long way. Contemporary Americans are not discriminated against for their sexual orientation. Much more freedom exists nowadays. One could say that the fight was painful, yet it was well worth it.