Assembling a bare bones computer is actually fairly simple. That big, or small, piece of equipment harbors a few key components that enable it to function properly. So without the upgrades, advanced equipment, and seemingly endless problems, the basic computer set up is quite simple. I will outline the steps for constructing a bare bones desktop computer, starting with what is commonly referred to as a “barebones kit.”
The barebones kit includes the following components: processor (CPU), computer case, optical drive, memory (RAM), power supply, SATA cables, motherboard, fans, and hard drive. In preparation, you should open the case by removing the side panels and exposing the inner chamber. Then, assess the inside, removing the packaging and assessing what cables are attached and included already in the case. Often, these include the power switch, the usb drive, and audio jacks. Knowing what they are and where they belong will hamper confusion later on.

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For safety, you should wear a grounding bracelet. This attached to a cord that then touches the computer case, eliminating problems when you build static electricity. As you construct the computer, you can incur severe injuries if not properly grounded. But most likely, you can damage the computer components themselves. So, keep you and your computer safe, and ground yourself.

Now we put the computer together. Find the mother board and the bezel case. Attach the bezel piece, a long, narrow slip of metal, to the appropriate area inside the case. Then, insert the screws with raising components, small washers that keep the motherboard separated from the metal, and attach the motherboard to the bezel insert. It is important to adjust the motherboard until it is placed exactly right on the panel.

Next, the case includes a series of slots called “drive bays” where you can attach hard drives. However, the barebones computer requires only one basic hard drive and therefore keeps the job simple. Place the hard drive in one of the bays of the appropriate size and attach it with screws. Sometimes you may need to attach the drive cables first, in order to make sure that it fits properly. Now choose another drive bay and insert the optical drive in the same manner as you did for the hard drive.

The processor, or CPU, attaches to the motherboard. Find the proper insert space, the socket, on the motherboard and then discern the appropriate position for the CPU. This requires matching the rod on the motherboard with the marking on the CPU. Once identified, place the CPU in the socket and press the rod down in order to secure the CPU in place. The RAM also goes on the motherboard. It looks like a long green slab that stands upright in the case. The key is to determine the proper side of the memory board that fits the motherboard socket. This can be trial and error, but it is vital to match RAM to its proper side. It should easily click in with the tabs on each end and sit securely.

Next you install the fans. The CPU fan requires a certain placement to cool the processor, so you must attach it in the proper place, near the CPU. The case fan draws air out of the computer and attaches to the inside of the case with screws that surround the area of circled wholes. Install the power supply in the bottom corner of the case, next to the fan most likely. Then you need to connect all of the cables. This requires the help of the motherboard manual and personal patience. Now your barebones computer is assembled. Place the covers back on the case and celebrate, or install software.