Hospitality Retail Management comes as a guest-oriented paradigm aimed to ensure comfort and positive experience to every consumer. It is, therefore, much about sound training and preparation of hotel staff capable of serving the ever-changing needs of the customers. What matters most is that hotel service should generate positive customer experience. The practice of Hospitality Retail Management induces hotels to emphasize close-knit interaction with the consumers and in such way ensure everyone’s absolute satisfaction with their stay. The provision of quality service means benefiting every customer according to their individual needs and expectations. To achieve the highest purpose of the Hospitality Retail Management (customer satisfaction) hotel management should closely work with every staff member and motivate them accordingly. Without proper training and motivation, a hotel staff will fail to understand the varying needs and demands of the customers willing to get value for their money. The individual customer experience is the highest priority beyond the brand or reputation gained by a hotel. The ultimate goal of Hospitality Retail Management is to generate customer loyalty, i.e. make clients come back and recommend the quality of service they received. Otherwise, a hotel loses its customers and favors competitors. On the internal organizational level, the goal of Hospitality Retail Management is to sufficiently prepare the staff to serve the customers, while on the external organizational level the priority is to expand the variety of service options with new exciting offers. The paradigm drives hospitality service managers to develop feasible approaches to efficient operation. This assumes the development of proper cost-saving strategy that would equally suit both employees and customers. While the former are much concerned about fair compensations and work-life balance, the latter are primarily focused on the value for their money and satisfaction as the major determinants of consumer loyalty.

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The Literature Review of the research paper implies core features of hospitality services (i.e. intangibility, inseparability, perishability, variability, and lack of ownership). Intangibility assumes that the higher is the level of customer service the better organization is prepared to face the challenges and cope with complex issues under way. Inseparability assumes that service providers utilize the same quality in every service rendered within a specific period of time (service simultaneity). The unified standard of service provision means that the quality of the service is the same for every customer. The management of perishability is vital to save an organization from waste and extra expenses. Variability aims at the provision of best services to match the customer expectations. The management of service variability targets interrelationships between different types of variability as well as the attainment of recursive variability communication among stakeholders. The lack of ownership means that customers can access the hospitality services, though they cannot own them.

The Research Methodology deploys the qualitative approach utilized to gather data on the characteristics of hospitality services (intangibility, inseparability, perishability, variability, and lack of ownership) and hotel information needed to conduct the video interview with Hotel Wilden Mann on 10th January 2018. The research limitations are as follows: (1) slow response from the hotel manager; (2) abundant information to analyze; (3) lack of a group discussion.

The video interview with the Hotel Wilden Mann manager and the hotel staff reveals the realms of the Hospitality Retail Management in practice. Pursuant to the Research Plan, the group of researchers has compiled the research components pursuant to the outlined requirements and the set deadline.
Overall, the research paper provides the theory and practice of the Hospitality Retail Management, including theoretical models and challenges featuring the realms of the hospitality management.