Alfred Hitchcock’s film Rear Window is an exercise in suspense and mystery. The movie takes what could be a boring premise – simply watching a man watch his neighbors – and makes it terrifying and intriguing. The movie relies on certain camera techniques and the idea of looking intimately at...
Introduction TV and film adaptations of literature do more than translate the written work to the visual medium. When different productions are made from the same story, audiences are usually exposed to very different ideas of the meaning of the work. As the following supports, the 1969 French and “Alfred...
Hitchcock played a role in preserving the patriarchal hegemony of gender roles through power shifts in male/female relationships and the subsequent preservation of power with the male due to the influence of agents of authority. This can be seen in the relationships of Marion to Norman, Mrs. Bates to Norman...
There a few films more associated with their director than Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window. While other Hitchcock films like, Psycho or The Birds maybe easier to recognize because of their place in popular culture, Rear Window is one of the few films consistently praised as both the director’s best work...
Although it may seem that William Faulkner’s novel A Rose for Emily and Alfred Hitchcock’s horror movie Psycho have little in common, in reality, they share several important similarities. They have common themes. First of all, the works are similar in their focus on loneliness. Emily Grierson, the protagonist of...
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