The director of film, “Apocalypto,” Mel Gibson, narrates the story of the decline of the Mayan Empire with a setting in pre-Columbian Central America. In the film, there are villagers that survived a brutal attack but are taken by captors through forests to the Mayan city. Jaguar Paw, one of...
Throughout the annals of American history, there exists a plethora of interesting people. These people are interesting for a variety of reasons: some are controversial, some are the first at something, some are powerful, some are rich and famous. Two of the most interesting people in America are Christopher Columbus...
In 1493, a letter from Christopher Columbus was addressed and presumably sent to Luis de Santangel, in Barcelona, Spain. The surviving document provides a detailed – and frequently glowing – account of the remarkable qualities of the native people and the lands Columbus had set upon. He presents the islands...
The term Chicano has been used by Mexican Americans to describe Mexican natives that have been living in the United States since the 20th century. Initially, the term was used by rich Mexican-Americans to depict Mexican-Americans of lower social class. The Chicano history is characterized by the Chicano movement when...
The history of colonization, regardless of who the perpetrator has been, has always had the same elements. Invasion and colonization have always been fueled by pride, ego, and a wish to show the world which nation is the most powerful. Furthermore, invasion and colonization have always resulted in violence, and...
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