Japan boasts a robust culture and history that stems from the initial Jomon period up to the present Heisei period. Its existence dates back from the prehistoric times which were named Jomon due to the style of cord-marked pottery that was distinct for that period. At that time the people of the island were mainly hunters and gathers. Basically, the hunting and gathering lifestyle was adopted to suit the prevailing environmental conditions and also due to availability of game animals. As years passed, the society changed over time and crop farming became part of the culture of the Japanese people. The introduction of pottery increased crop domestication as storage was now easier for most settled families.

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Later, the advent of agriculture and the introduction of rice farming played a significant role in the people of the island leading a more settled life and thus the establishment of centralized government. As a result, the recognized and functional government came into operation around the fourth century and since there have been several periods across the history of Japan which are synonymous with the type of leadership during that period. Thereafter, the need for a centralized government arose due to settlements that had brought people together. In addition, the shift from the hunting and gathering lifestyle gave rise to settlements, which brought the need for law and order; thus leading to the introduction of a government. This led the government to introduce laws that guided the interactions of individuals and also managed the limited resources.

Japan, therefore, draws its unique culture form the periods of its history which was a result of series of changes and that came to pass as a result of ambitions, beliefs, and religion of the different brands of leadership. Notably, the different leaders that ruled Japan introduced new cultures that changed the way people lived. Importantly, Japanese largely remains a patriarchal society that provided women with opportunities and powers. For instance, pottery played an integral role in the Japanese culture and even formed part of the ancient civilization witnessed in the world. The decorations made on the pots provide accurate dates of the art which demonstrates the country’s rich culture. Ideally, the advanced skills in pottery served to preserve grains for families. Besides, each leader targeted to change Japan and leave behind a rich legacy which explains why their leadership styles varied from one emperor to the next. Therefore, each Japanese period heralded changes, adoption of new ideas and discarding of other practices; thus providing a suitable subject of study.

While it is important to note the periods are merely meant to mark the change in times of history, they are pointers to the different aspects that have shaped Japanese culture in the present age. Generally, the Japanese count their years according to the years the emperor has been in power which shows how these periods are dependent on the political leadership. It is essential to indicate that some leaders stay in power for far too long which explains the years might appear irregular. Mainly, the emperors enjoyed absolute powers with the subject submitting to him through service and material goods as a way of demonstrating their loyalty. For that reason, the study should focus on the influences of the administration on the culture of the particular period, which is evident in the relationship between the characteristics of the period with the leadership in place. While the Japanese culture has remained conservative, the political leadership and their respective ages are significant determiners of the culture in these ages. The paper, therefore, provides an in-depth analysis of the relationship between the administration and periods and the culture of the periods before 1700.