DQ1 American Nursing Informatics Association (ANIA) is an union of professional nurses and affiliates whose main work is to manage and communicate nursing information using informatics. It has about 3000 informatics professional from different parts of the world. Membership fee for each member is around $69. However, in a group of 25, a discount is offered and the group pays about $1,725 (“American Nursing Informatics Association”, 2017). The membership code is valid for only one year and members are expected to renew their membership. Some of the benefits to ANIA members include an active E-list, monthly E-newsletter, an interactive website with different resources, regular webinars, digital library, formal journals among other benefits.

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ANIA’s site is very interactive. It offers its members online membership directory. This involves renewal option and registration for new members. Just like AMIA, the site offers various publications such as journals and online articles. Additionally, the site ensures that members are up to date as offers opportunity for members to view webinars, conferences and past conference highlights. ANITA site also offers informatics jobs and educational opportunities for its members. ANIA offers certification of resources such as nursing informatics certification reviews focused CE series (“American Nursing Informatics Association”, 2017).

American Medical informatics Association (AMIA) is an organization committed to embracing informatics as a means to transform people’s care and wellbeing. AMIA has grown to be the best home for informatics professionals now and a steering tool of informatics’ future. AMIA has been in existence for more than 35 years with about 5,400 informatics professionals. AMIA provides various categories of personal and organizational membership to assist people interact and network. The members include physicians, nurses, dentist pharmacist, and developers among other professionals. A regular member pays membership fee amounting to $380 and access all benefits. All students pay $50 and access various benefits such as JAMIA access and ACI access. Young Informatics Professionals (YIP) pay $210 membership fee while retired pay $175 and access all benefits. Affiliates pay $100 and are limited to various benefits such as Work Group access, AMIA E-news, rating of meetings and right to vote (“American Medical informatics Association 2017”). Last members are trial members. These pay $190 and his membership expires after six months. Corporate membership package range from $7,500 to $50,000 and this tend to be flexible. AMIA site has various resources to offers.

First it clearly describes its educational and academic program offered to members. The site further depicts the different News and Publications if offers to its members. Through the site, members get updated on upcoming meeting and events. In addition, the site offers terms and condition governing its operation through its policies. It also offers an online career center where members can search for employment (“American Medical informatics Association 2017”). IMIA requires that its members achieve Advanced Health Informatics Certification. International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) is autonomous organization created under Swiss Law in 1989. This has played critical role in embracing information technology into healthcare sector.

IMIA’s members include; institutional members, affiliate members and honorary individuals. Being an international body, the organization has attracted high number of informatics professionals. Members are required to pay an annual subscription of about $3,230. Through this body, members get various benefits such as networking among organizations. To the members of various organizations, IMIA imparts leadership and expertise required to deliver quality health for the medics and policy makers (“Welcome to IMIA, the International Medical Informatics Association – IMIA”, 2017). All its members adhere to the international recommendation in health informatics/medical informatics education.

The site is highly interactive. Through this site, one is able to access a brief description regarding IMIA. Additionally, it clearly brings what is required to be a member. With just a click, the site depicts the different document and resources that one can access such as IMIA code of ethics among others. It further updates its members on upcoming congresses through the MedInfo and the different IMIA working groups (“Welcome to IMIA, the International Medical Informatics Association – IMIA”, 2017).

New technology is the major component that has shaped informatics in the last few years decades. Day in, day out, new technological innovations in informatics come up. With the advancement in technology and the need for high-quality patient care, a nurse’s specialty role has been greatly transformed (Mostashari, 2014). High numbers of nurses have been driven into nursing informatics roles. Technological advancement has greatly made it easier to use and manage large amount of health information collected, reviewed and processed.

With increased technological advancement, many resources are now available in health care environment thus promoting effective care. One of the great moves in 2016 was the innovation of the interoperability between health systems. This offered the best solution for transferring patient confidential information across the heath care sector. Others include robotic nurse assistant, artificial retinas, remote patient monitoring among others (Mostashari, 2014). Nurses have been injured for carrying patient by themselves and thus the emergence of nurse assistance robots is a great move to eradicate this problem.

  • International Medical Informatics Association. (2017). Welcome to IMIA, the International Medical Informatics Association – IMIA. IMIA. Retrieved 24 February 2017, from http://imia-medinfo.org/wp/
  • American Nursing Informatics Association. (2017). Ania.org. Retrieved 24 February 2017, from https://www.ania.org/
  • American Medical informatics Association (2017). Retrieved 24 February 2017, from https://www.amia.org/.
  • Mostashari, F. (2014). Health information technology and Healthcare. Healthcare, 2(1), 1-2. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hjdsi.2013.12.008